An Unplugged Thanksgiving.

This Thanksgiving holiday came and went in a reflective, quiet kind of way. No hoopla, no drama, no pressure to Black Friday shop or even put on real clothes. Yes, I wore workout gear to Thanksgiving dinner (the rest of my family was dressed so nicely, then there was me, the enormous swollen person who fits into very little at this stage in the game). There were all the mainstay dishes and a wonderful smattering of family smiles and nothing out of the ordinary at all. And you know what? Nothing out of the ordinary felt really comforting. It was really nice to have a stable, dependable kind of holiday weekend. Because externally, there is a lot stirring in my family life, and my head gets a little foggy when I think too hard about all of it. Things like, my parents are moving out of their beautiful home next weekend. The house I love. I admit I'm sad about it. And also, I am having a baby sometime in the coming month. What is he going to be like?? Am I ready for two babies?! And of course, Christmas season is upon us! May the merriment continue onward!

Can we take 12 seconds to talk about this Japanese Maple tree in my back yard? I am so in love with the fiery red goodness its shed all over the fading grass. It's losing its leaves every day and I am so glad we snapped a few more good photos of it before autumn forfeits and gives way to real winter.

Also, I won this outfit on Instagram, you guys. Enter all the giveaways! You never know what you can win! And thank you to Seraphine, who sent me this wayyyy comfy active kit. Please don't hate me for not using it to exercise, because it's just not in the cards.

My sis. Does it look like I ate the third sister? #IpromiseIdidnt #shesinflorida

Don't move don't move don't move don't move. Whew. I just needed to get that out. They're not even moving far away, you guys. Haha I just can't handle the change.

Everett got the croup over the weekend and I think I was fighting off a little bug, too. We stayed in bed and rested a lot, and I actually think we caught his early enough that it didn't manifest into a full-blown sickness situation, thank goodness. I've been using a new brand of essential oils over the past few weeks and I don't mean to be such a crazy oil lady, but I actually think diffusing so many good oils in the house could have helped both of us from getting too, too sick. Time will tell, but I can see this whole essential oils thing becoming an addiction... I've already ordered more and I am really into concocting my own recipes for the house every day. #crazyoillady

I was really kind of terrible at documenting this holiday. I didn't get any pics with Stevie's fam, even though we totally celebrated with them the day before Thanksgiving. And I didn't take any food photos, even though I actually cooked a bit more than I originally planned. And - I even decorated our dining table and it looked so snazzy but alas - no photos. I just needed a good unplug and some extended rest and this was the weekend for it. I am so grateful for this family of mine. It's really everything. And now I'm feeling more refreshed and ready for December and all it's glow.

I hope your weekend was sweet and full of family and love and quiet and yes - Gilmore Girls! Wasn't that revival something?! I have so many thoughts, but I have to re-watch everything to really process the story.

What was your favorite thing about this holiday weekend? Did you have any killer good new recipes that are must-try? Happy Monday to you, friends! xox

P.S. - I have a few Cyber Monday promo codes for you to some of my favorite stores:

At ASOS - Get 30% off every single thing! Use Code THANKFUL30. Valid 11/24 8am – 11/29 8am GMT.

At Stella & Dot - Get up to 60% off flash sale items!

Shop the Handmade gifts section of Amazon for her, for him, and for kiddos. I heart Amazon this time of year.

At Modcloth - Everything is 30% off with Code: CYBER16!

Picnic in Central Park on Labor Day.

We had the laziest of Labor Days. It was wonderful. We are in our final stretch up here in New York (I have so many fun adventures to share with you over the next few weeks, I'm excited!), so we wanted to enjoy the city a bit more before saying goodbye. We grabbed some Shake Shack (they had a blueberry pie ice cream concrete, so heavenly) and walked to our favorite part of Central Park, in Strawberry Field, where the trees are so old and stretch into the sky. I love this part of the park, so stately and green. Everett and Stevie played frisbee while I stretched out on our blanket and just watched. This mama is feeling less sprightly lately, so sitting and laying are really my jam. Then our dear-hearted friends Anthony and Jessica joined us, and we sat in the park for a long time, laughing at Everett (who took up a solitary game of throwing sticks) while we talked about life. We capped off the day with a healthy concoction from Juice Generation - my favorite is "get your greens on", which has apple, mint, kale, spinach and pineapple in it. So fresh. I'm missing my Vitamix juices up here, so this is a good fill-in.

A few photos below!

See what I mean about those trees? I mean come on.

See what I mean about those trees? I mean come on.

This was a free frisbee that Everett caught in the 4th of July parade - it's smaller so it's perfect for his little hands!

This was a free frisbee that Everett caught in the 4th of July parade - it's smaller so it's perfect for his little hands!

This really cracks me up. When he throws it, he immediately looks behind himself in the other direction.

This really cracks me up. When he throws it, he immediately looks behind himself in the other direction.

The trees. The trees are so delicious. Can you see the twinges of autumn?

The trees. The trees are so delicious. Can you see the twinges of autumn?

He looooooooves him some Jess.

He looooooooves him some Jess.

Per the usual, kid ate all my concrete. (P.S. Concretes are a milkshake/ice cream concoction that God whispered in someone's ear and now we all get to enjoy, via Shake Shake. This one had pie in it. A whole slice of blueberry pie!!! #sopregnant

Per the usual, kid ate all my concrete. (P.S. Concretes are a milkshake/ice cream concoction that God whispered in someone's ear and now we all get to enjoy, via Shake Shake. This one had pie in it. A whole slice of blueberry pie!!! #sopregnant

I hope your Labor Day was relaxed. Pray for us as we get packed up and on the road this weekend - we are driving home from New York to Atlanta (I know, everyone says we are crazy, and I'm beginning to think they're right). Stevie actually has a big presentation today that is the culmination of his project work up here. I am so proud of that man for working so earnestly in every area of his life - his job, his family, his faith, his health. He is so super disciplined and really inspires me to be the best version of me, because I see him constantly honing who he is to be the best version of him. Just feeling really grateful for him this morning and how his efforts have given our family amazing opportunities like being able to come up to New York for the month. He's a rock star.

Next week we will be home! Hurray! I think my garden has literally turned into a jungle, so says my mom.

P.S. - Last London post is up tomorrow!

Happening Lately.

Happening Lately.

TGIF Guys. I am happy that we have reached the weekend!


My husband is home from another work trip, and it feels good to all be reunited. He's been traveling every week lately for work and it's been me and Everett against the world. I am so grateful to have my little partner-in-crime, but obviously we are always waiting with bated breath by the door for when Stevie gets home. This week, especially, because Everett started saying "Dada"! All week long its been "dadadadaaaaa" and I've been videoing it and sending it to Stevie. Needless to say, I am really looking forward to the weekend so we can just be a normal family, all together :)


I'm running a race next weekend. I registered a while ago, intending to "train" and prepare for such an event... and well. Well. Then I sort of forgot. I've been exercising more, jogging/walking almost every day (see below, my cutie mom, we went trail hiking the other day!), but by no means would I consider this serious running. I've been doing lunges when I can, squats while I hold the baby, crunches when I can squeeze them in. But I really don't have a formal workout time everyday. And now I feel like I'm going to pay for it. Because this race! It's only a 5K but I would really like to run the whole thing and not take walking breaks, you know? Oh my pride. A lot of you have sent me your tips and ideas for post-baby workouts, which has been super helpful and inspiring. I will have to post some of them when I get in the groove of actually, consistently doing them! Thanks for sharing.

// 1. Cherry blossoms at Zoo Atlanta! // 2. So much joy in the morning. He's the best best best. // 3. Our growing book collection for Everett (we're giving away a book this week, enter here!) // 4. My mom in the woods of Serenbe, doing a bit of trail hiking with me and Everett. A few of our other visits to Serenbe here, here and here. //

Summer Clothes.

I've done a bit of clothes shopping lately. Trying to restock my wardrobe a bit. Summer is quickly approaching, and with a few trips on the horizon, I am in serious need of bathing suits and shorts. I can't wear anything I wore last summer since I was a giant. I haven't really done any shopping since having a baby, because going into stores to try clothes on takes so much effort. And it's often fruitless since I don't even know what sizes I am these days. I've done all this shopping online, and I have to admit, getting all these packages in the mail has been super fun! I am loving the shorts here, dresses here and sportier bathing suits here. What are some of your favorite places to stock up on summer essentials?

Site Makeover!

One other fun tidbit for you - and I could use your help! My site is currently undergoing a significant re-design. I would love to know what you love/don't love so much about the look, feel and content of this site. What do you love reading here on Oy! and why? Any random bits of feedback you have would be super helpful! If you're up for taking a moment to share with me, you can just leave it in the comments section below! Many thanks, friends.

Hope you have the BEST weekend! :)

Happening Lately.

// 1. Bedtime is equating to sleep time these days. HALLELUJAH HANDS. // 2. Sweet Auburn Barbeque in the Highlands. Rad spot, less rad parking. // 3. 4 hawks in the sky. Oh wait. Those are vultures. // 4. Our little family out and about this weekend. Happy 1st birthday to baby Ethan! Everett has friends yall. //

Happening Lately.

The new year is a little less new these days. There has been an attempt in our household for a bit of grounding, refreshing and re-focus. Probably like many of you, my little family is grasping for our center of gravity and licking our lips in anticipation of Spring. I know, we have a while to go. But we live in Georgia this year! Which means spring is coming sooner for us than it has in years! Our stints in Boston and New York really left a freezer-burn kind of scar on our hearts in terms of the monumentally blistery winters. I will gleefully accept a pass this year and prematurely skip on into the sunshine, if the groundhog allows such a frivolous delight. BRING IT, LITTLE HEDGEHOG.

Our life lately:


People. We have been sleeping. THERE HAS BEEN SLEEP IN THIS HOME. It's been a long road (almost 6 months) of gently nudging my child into the direction of a peaceful state of rest. I haven't been shy about it. I haven't modestly pretended like I have it all together, as if we have nailed this whole "having a baby"-thing. I have not had it together. I have not slept well in over a year (pregnancy can do a great job robbing you of that, too.) I've read the books and tried the methods. And I have been pretty vocal in asking, nay, begging for help. Some of your suggestions have worked. For like 3 days. And then things would change again. But I am happy to announce that for the month of January, my son has sifted into a much more manageable sleeping routine at night (still working on the daily naps situation, more about that below.) But these days, we are putting him down to bed between 7-7:30 pm, and he sleeps until about 3:30 am. Halle-LU-jah. I change him and feed him then, and then he's up again at 6:30 am. That's usually when I whisper to him about the wonders of dreaming and MORE sleep and I prod him into another mini-slumber, always attempting to inch him past the 7:30 am mark. Sometimes it works. But the point is, this routine. Is SO doable. I mean, we aren't in the sleeping-through-the-night phase, but we are close. Closer. We are ballparkin' it. Thanks to everyone who willingly shared their stories and encouraged me - you have no idea how valuable your kindness was during a time that can only be described as the dark night of my soul.

2. Getting Out. 

You know what happens when you get sleep? You feel normal again. I'm not saying that I feel normal yet (or that I expect I ever will! What is "normal" anyway?), but I'm starting to feel normal-ish again. I have the urge to leave my house. Do things. Eat meals in exotic places. Like Panera. You know, that kind of thing. I even ventured to Atlanta the other day and enjoyed

a tasty birthday lunch

celebrating my girl Tricia. That's right. Stella is getting her groove back.

3. My Goals.

My birdwatching is going very well, thank you for asking. I learned this week that all the hawks I've been thinking I've been seeing... well, a lot of them are turkey vultures. Womp womp. They walk like a hawk and talk like a hawk, but hawk they are not. They are a vulture. Yuck. The angle of the wingspan and finger-like feathers are a dead give away, so now I can spot the difference in the sky! And we still have our one close, personal hawk friend who frequents the back yard and sits on the brick fence. He'd rad. I've named him Moonhawk, for the gloriously Moonstone-colored feathers that warm his broad chest. He is most welcome here. Also, other than the bird watching, I've been *attempting* to meal prep a bit more so we eat healthier.

This gal inspires me. And last week I worked out 5 times! This week... well, I'm currently sipping coffee and eating a breakfast cookie. Yes. Breakfast cookies are a thing. Moving on.

4. Normalizing Routine?

I'm going to say two normal words that equate to one valiantly mysterious phrase: baby + schedule. This has been my Everest as of late. What in the world. How in the heck. WHAT IS A BABY SCHEDULE. How to get a child to nap on a schedule? I've started to notice ebbs and flows in Everett's sleeping urges, but it's not consistent enough to follow on a daily basis. And the thing is... I want this schedule more for me. Yes, the selfish truth is just that. If he could stick to a plan, I could get a few things done around here! I mean, when am I supposed to clean? Shower? Blog?! MAKE BREAKFAST COOKIES. I've started asking moms about their schedule, but it all seems so cryptic. Share your secrets, women! There are people in the world (cough*me*cough) who need to glean from your treasured knowledge and experience!

Fun Around the Web.

Just a few fun things I had to share because they made me smile this week.

This cop jamming out with his sassy bad self to "Shake it Off". I can't stop giggling.

I am still infatuated with Designlovefest's Dress Your Tech posts. It's like a free present every month! I won't stop sharing these with you because they are just so indulgent.

I feel like a lady again because I bought this organic lip glaze and it's super, ultra pink. I feel like I should smack my bubble gum and twirl my hair. Girl alert.

Also, have you entered my giveaway in partnership with Turbans for Tots? We are giving away this adorable Sibling Set, which is for a boy and girl, consisting of a bow tie (for him) and a hair bow headband (for her) - this Turbans for Tots stuff is so cute! You can enter the giveaway here up to three times and the winner will be announced and contacted next week. Share with your friends and deck out the littles of your life!

Love to you all.

A New Season at Serenbe Farms.

A New Season at Serenbe Farms.

This is a story about a couple who tried desperately to have a normal, fun day OUTSIDE THE HOUSE.

Stevie & I decided to do something extra special this past weekend and take the trek out to

Serenbe Farms

, one of our favorite getaways on the southside of Atlanta. Serenbe is a posh country community, made up of mostly second and third homes to tired urban dwellers. This is the place where they escape for a bit of fresh air amidst the slow southern charm. Serenbe consists of a zillion acres of woods, lakes and ponds, along with an organic farm and all the appropriate barn yard animals to match. There are hiking trails, dotted here and there with luxurious (but tasteful "country-style") homes, and a dainty little downtown. It's a very darling, and sort of daunting, kind of place. Only because it's so spookily Stepford-perfect. Every so often my entire family visits Serenbe, mostly to dine at the incredible


restaurant (which we tend to do over the holidays), and also to watch my dad horse whisper. So it's delicious and entertaining.

We decided it was the perfect weekend to take Everett to this favored place. The weather was ripening into the perfect almost-autumn day, and we had nothing to do and nowhere to be. Ah perfection. We drove 30 minutes out to the farm, windows down, the cool breeze wafting gently through the car, and Everett sleeping, quite literally, like a baby. We got to the restaurant, hoping to be seated on the old patio, so we could enjoy the weather and have the outdoors as a baby-crying buffer, if need be. Unfortunately there were a few events going on outdoors So the hostess walked us to our table, inside. Gulp. As we followed her, people stared at our portable baby car seat, which we were doing our best to tote gracefully (ha, yeah right), along with the diaper bag, baby carrier and other infant paraphernalia. I mean, we were prepared for a day at the farm with a baby, you know? We packed all the tricks we had. I hoped we wouldn't be a nuisance to the other diners.

Thankfully, my dear boy Everett kept snoozing, so we excitedly ordered drinks and appetizers. I decided something: going to lunch is the perfect new date idea for me and Stevie, since going out to dinner is sort of not doable these days. But this! A perfectly beautiful, organically grown lunch on this divinely romantic farm? This is totally doable. We're doing it! We're having a lunch date and I even have makeup on. I mean, talk about starting to feel like a lady again.

You know where this story is going, right?

Suddenly, my baby whipped his head up and screeched with the might of an overly-crowded Sunday school nursery gang. He was UP. Again, the onlookers LOOKED. Oh geez. I could feel my face filling with hot redness. In one fell swoop, my hero of a husband scooped up my darling boy and exited the restaurant, attempting to soothe him along the way. Hm. What shall we do? What should I do? Well. I started eating Stevie's appetizer, obviously. Those fried green tomatoes are seriously prize winners. But then I decided to be the mom that apparently I am, so I grabbed my diaper bag and left the restaurant the same way I came, making sure to tell the hostess that my husband would be back to gather the rest of our items and pay the bill.

Why did I think we could do this yet? Our son is barely 8 weeks old.

Well, the experience was only slightly embarrassing. I got to the car, where Stevie was pacing with my howling progeny, and we realized that he had pooped on his adorable Polo onesie (serves me right for dressing him so pretentiously adorable). So we changed him and I climbed into the front seat to nurse him. Funny. I had never just sat in the parking lot of the Farmhouse. But it was still lovely. It really was. Birds flying overhead and butterflies prancing. My precious child finally calmed down and my precious husband brought me a boxed meal to-go. We laughed and decided to try round 2 at Serenbe.

Everett slept blissfully for the rest of the afternoon while we ate our boxed lunch outside on a bench. You know what? That fried chicken tasted just as delicious as it would have indoors. We walked around, enjoying the gorgeous greenery, marveling at the craftsmanship of the homes, and shopping just a bit. It was a perfect re-do. I keep using the word perfect, but that's because it truly felt that way. Just a simply sweet day with my two favorite boys.

// The loveliest homes in downtown Serenbe. //

// I bought a fox onesie here! To die for. //

// The Blue Eyed Daisy has the BEST chocolate chip cookies. They taste like cake. //

// I'm not gonna lie. It was a bit of an uphill battle. //


// He makes me so happy :) //

// My heart could possibly burst. //

// It's an Atlanta thing. If you haven't had King of Pops, you haven't quite lived. //

// Well, since you said it... //

Life with a newborn folks. You just kind of make your favorite old things work in a new context. And you also pack a lot of extra outfits.