6 On-the-Go Items for Toddlers.
/We've been traveling for the last month or so, and I am so grateful that we have Everett along for this stint in New York. We missed him so much when we were in London! And I'm extra extra grateful that my sis-in-law Lauren and dear friend Vanessa flew in for the weekend to join us on some NYC escapades - they brought that little piece of home that we were so desperately missing. I have lottttttts of city fun to share with you, but I want to touch on HOW to adventure in the city with a toddler. I am so grateful that OXO Tot sent us some travel gear that makes getting out and about with toddlers a whole lot easier. I wanted to share about our experiences snacking, playing and sort of potty training (??) while on the go.
Getting out on the town with kiddos is no joke - it requires extra planning, thinking through each scenario, prepping additional snacks (or as Everett asks for, "treats!") and packing a few extra clothes and gear "just in case". All you parents know what I'm talking about. But I just feel so strongly about getting out and having adventures, without letting the daunting potential challenges of traveling with kids hold us back. Toddler travel can definitely bring on the unexpected, but I just feel really grateful for the opportunities my family has had together. New York City is my favorite city in the world, and I would never want to withhold Everett from experiencing the crazy bizarre wonder that is New York. Bring on the skyscrapers, crowds, and of course, treats! (Along with hand sanitizer and stroller naps please.)
As you can see, our first stop of the day was the most important - Shake Shack on the Upper West Side. Nothing like an 11am cheeseburger and a shake to really get the day started right. I love stroller hooks in general, but this one from OXO is super large - it's gripped and could easily handle the weight of a huge shopping bag. Which means I should do some more shopping :)
This one cracks me up, because Everett literally carried it around with him the whole time he was out of the stroller, calling it his present. "See Mom, see? My present!" He loved it. And you know what? I've tried out several of these diaper pouch contraptions over the years, and this one is by far the most compact and easy to use. No lie. Which means it's kind of like a present to me, too. We kept pulling out wipes on this particular day, obviously to change diapers, but to wipe off dirty hands (Everett touches everythingggggg) and it was super convenient to be able to hang it from the stroller and easily access those wipes whenever we needed.
A word on potty training. We aren't actually pushing it yet. But - my kid is SO INTERESTED. And perhaps this is TMI but he wants to flush the toilet for me like, every time I go, and he sits on the potty and home and pretends to wipe and flushes for himself. It's the cutest. So I think we might be getting close to that time where we actually try to train him. I just want to be sensitive to the fact that he's a boy and they usually train a little later. But when we pulled out this on-the-go potty, he flipped. He loved it so so much. Please imagine my child in Central Park yelling "I did it!!!" as he pretended to go on this potty. Well, you don't have to imagine it, because we photographed the whole hilarious scenario. I know this potty will come in handy in the coming months as we begin to train him to use it on the go :) P.S. it includes some really cool liners, so it never feels like you're touching something gross. Just a little extra bonus for those of us moms who get grossed out easily (anyone else raising their hands here?)
Everett's most-asked for snack is bunnies (Annie's Cheddar Bunnies, for those of you who know what I'm talking about). This little snack cup is perfect for his bunnies because he can reach in and grab some, but not too many at a time. And there's a plastic cap included, which keeps the germs at bay (and my peace of mind intact!)
We have been trying to move out of the sippy cup world, but when we're out and about there is no way I am letting my kid have a regular cup in his stroller. Spills everywhere! This is a unique cup that adapts as the child grows - from a 3-month old all the way to a big kid. There are a few attachments that change it up, and it can ultimately operate as a regular, lid-less cup. But for us, we are rocking the sippy cup situation during our travels. Makes life simpler, and spill-free.
Thankfully, we haven't had to use this handy little kit yet because all of our gear is still relatively unscathed by our city explorations. But this is a nifty little 3-piece set that allows you to clean the straws, lids and other hard-to-reach parts of the snack and cup set that the dishwasher just can't quite diminish. I have a feeling that this will be coming in handy very soon...
There he is, the man (and photographer :) of my dreams.
OXO Tot is one of those brands that most moms undoubtedly have in their arsenal of baby gear without even realizing it. Over the years, we've used these snack containers on the daily, so it was nice to have an upgrade that is really more age-appropriate for Everett. This is just one of those "no, duh!" kind of brands - the products perform beautifully and function exactly as they should every time. So instead of changing multiple outfits while out and being loaded down with unnecessary gear, we are able to focus on our adventure of the day! Which in this case was a Shake Shack picnic in Central Park, a visit to the Met (with an impromptu stop at the rooftop bar - and a mocktail for this pregnant mommy) and service at our old church, Hillsong. I'll share more pics from this wonderful day oh so soon :) I still have more London fun to share, too!