Summer Favorites.
/I might have been a bit premature in my dramatic, drooly post about Autumn arriving. It most certainly hinted at it's coming, but summer stepped back in and grabbed a hold of the meteorologist's microphone this past weekend. SUMMER. We feel you. I am once again, breathing in the humidity and choking on it's drippy, hazy, haughtiness. But, in all honesty, this summer rocked my face off. Maybe it rocked too hard in some ways. Rocked so hard that I found myself off balance more than once. But this was certainly a memorable one and I wanted to take a minute to recap my little family's favorite moments this summer.
At Serenbe, our favorite little farm away from home.
My dad, Stevie and Everett shooting hoops. The best.
Hanging with my niece while her baby brother was being born. These are the days!
We bought an all-electric car!
Our 4th of July was filled with house hunting, barbecue sandwiches and watching Everett watch the rain. In the cutest diapers in the land, of course.
Breakfast outdoors in Madrid! That little man was tired, and so was I, so we cheered our cafe con leche/fruit pouch and enjoyed in silence. I will never forget it.
The bible says to give honor where honor is due. So I curtsied at the Spanish Royal Palace.
We ate pizza and drank lunchtime wine in Rome. Like it was going out of style. Like it hasn't been in style there for thousands of years.
I should frame this one. It makes me so happy, the three of us in Italy. Who says you can't take a baby traveling? I discovered a lot of helpful tricks. I also crashed when we got home. But still - WORTH IT.
You pound it Everett. He the raddest.
Dream come true: Our beloved New Yorkers came to Georgia. Her other half, unfortunately not pictured. But a week later we flew up there and got to see them again! BEST SUMMER EVER.
Went to the iconic Tavern on the Green, which only made me reminisce about the last time I had been there, a drillion years ago with my dad and my aunt and a parade of cows and that famous artist guy. <-- That statement. See what I mean? NYC is nutso. In the very best kind of way!
Anthony and Everett, discussing the dinner plan. Amongst their many other plans for his future. Babies in NYC, oh, it's doable. For a weekend, anyway :)
Is there anything better than NYC in the summer? He's sighing here, because he knows there's not. Hahaha, actually, Jess gave him lemonade from Shake Shack, and he was eternally grateful to her.
Oh, the places these boats must go. We chatted with the yacht drivers. AND DREAMED.
Nothing makes me happier than goofing around NYC with my family, eating and drinking all the fads.
Do you know what it feels like when you realize you don't have control over your heart? That's what I feel when I look at this picture. Completely overwhelmed and unable to control my emotions. These two hold my heart hostage. I'm probably never getting it back either.
I didn't spend a whole lot of time cooking this summer, even though it's something I love. We just moved around so much, and then you know, actually moved! But this Artichoke recipe is too delicious not to mention. And this photo is perhaps my favorite foodie one of the summer.
We house-hunted on our bikes. It was the best way to do it! Everett never got fussy and we got to exercise! Which I'll admit, has definitely fallen by the wayside this summer. What didn't I do this summer? GET IN SHAPE.
I can deny him nothing. LOOK AT THAT FACE.
Everett turned one year old! And I turned one in mother years, too.
We threw him a pirate-themed birthday party. He loved the party, hated the cake.
My beautiful baby sister graduated from college. And my Aunt (and all of us!) couldn't be more proud :)
He loves the camera.
Right before we moved.
We spent a day at the lake! It was so refreshing and therapeutic.
Everett's little toes in his mimi's hands. Ahhhhh.
I made lentils. Like Christ ate.
And then we bought a house! Our first grown up house! After 8 years of renting.
Not his very first nap in the house, but one of them. I find myself spying on him a lot more in our new home. I just love watching him sleep. Creepy? I'm probably creepy, yeah.
This has been my life for the past four weeks. Cleaning, painting, rearranging. I am super proud of our new, old upcycled bedroom furniture though!
And then I planted a vegetable garden.
As I look back over the photos from the past three months, whoa. I can see why I feel like it's been overwhelming, exciting and challenging. Because it has been! It's been a summer of movement, and a lot of it was unexpected. We thought we might move to another country, then we thought we would move back to New York, and then we decided to stay put and establish roots right where we are. Our son spends time every week with his grandparents and his cousins, and my heart couldn't be fuller. He is soaking up so much love and family and time in the grass!
I hope your summer was the greatest, too! Any memories that stick out the most to you?