Pregnancy Presents + a Giveaway with That Glow Co.!

Today I'm teaming up with That Glow Co. to share some pregnancy gift ideas and to giveaway a 1st, 2nd or 3rd Trimester Gift Box to one lucky reader! Details below :)

Pregnancy is such a special, insane whirlwind of a time. Especially in the first few months, when you might feel sick (really sick), but you're not really telling people yet. I shared the news with my family and best friends early on, but chose to wait until 14ish weeks to really start telling others.

A few of my dear friends were really thoughtful during those early days of this particular pregnancy. My friend Liz hand delivered some 1st-trimester-friendly snacks right to my door, including her favorite popcorn snack and organic ginger ale. Just a few things that she had grown to love along the way of having her own children. My sweet friend Natalie mailed me a slew of Preggie Pops, because someone had told her those help with early nausea. These little gestures made me feel so loved during a time when I could barely move or take good care of myself. I am so grateful to these sweethearts for taking the extra time to think of me and make me feel special. We all need that during pregnancy!

That Glow Co. curates gift boxes especially with the pregnant mama in mind. Based on which stage you are in your pregnancy, the boxes are tailored for the needs and desires of that particular trimester. They kindly sent me a 2nd-Trimester box, which was stocked with pregnancy essentials, including snack goodies, beauty treats, survival must-haves, even a mocktail! It is packaged so pretty and really would make the perfect gift for that friend, sister, cousin or loved one who is going through the exciting and sometimes challenging season of pregnancy.

A few photos below of our own unboxing situation. P.S. Lately, when anything comes in the mail for me, suddenly my toddler thinks it's a gift for him, too. Repercussions from birthday month. Kid ate all my treats!

This was THE BEST tasting cookie. And it was loaded with folic acid and a slew of other vitamins and minerals, making it a "healthy" cookie?!

For some reason the nail file and nail polish aren't pictured here, but it looked the same shade as what's already on my nails :) Meaning, I love it.

This one made me laugh. A little compact mirror that says, "Objects in mirror are sexier than they appear".

Wine!!! Okay, it's fake wine. But it tasted delish and it was at least from wine country.

See? Kid totally consumed all my treats. It's a good thing I like him so much.

Now for a giveaway! One lucky reader will win a That Glow pregnancy box, in the trimester of your choice. You can choose to send it to yourself (if you're pregnant!) or you can have it mailed as a gift to a loved one who is expectant! Enter using the Rafflecopter below. Please note, you must leave a comment on this post in order to be entered for the giveaway :)

Many thanks to That Glow Co. for sending me this gift and sponsoring this giveaway. You can find That Glow Co. on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

Shop My Stella and Dot Trunk Show for Mother's Day!

Last week I hosted a little trunk show at my house, showcasing the spring line of Stella and Dot jewelry and accessories! I wanted to share some of my favorite pieces with you and invite you to shop my party, because S+D is offering my friends some specials right now (be sure to scroll below to shop my links and use my special code). With Mother's Day coming up, I wanted to extend the invite to you, all of my online/out of town peeps, to treat your mama (and perhaps yourself) to something special.

Here is the direct link to my online soiree :)

Nolita Small Crossbody Bag with Raffia Fringe - $69

Nolita Small Crossbody Bag with Raffia Fringe - $69

City Slim Clutch - $49

City Slim Clutch - $49

To be completely honest, I was surprised when my friend (and Stella and Dot stylist) Jordan began setting out the jewelry in my dining room for display. Everything was so much prettier in person - so much more delicate, expensive-looking and more quality than I had expected. I'm used to seeing the Stella and Dot gear online, but seeing (and wearing!) it in person really sold me on the quality of the products. And the other element that surprised me was the way that the jewelry is designed. Almost every single necklace is made so that it can be worn in 2 or three different ways, where you can add or remove layers to change the look of the necklace, or wrap around your wrist and wear as a bracelet, etc. Several of the necklaces are multi-sided, so they are gold on one side and silver on the other. I wasn't really expecting everything to be so versatile - even many of the bags contained a matching clutch! A lot of bang for the buck, in my opinion.

Zoe Lariat Necklace in Gold - $98

Zoe Lariat Necklace in Gold - $98

Stella and Dot Party Alila Lace Cuff.jpg
Alila Gold Lace Cuff - $98

Alila Gold Lace Cuff - $98

Unique Signature Engravable Momento Locket - $89

Unique Signature Engravable Momento Locket - $89

Freya Fringe Necklace - $118

Freya Fringe Necklace - $118

Alright, drum roll please... Stella and Dot is offering my friends 50% off the items below when you spend $50 or more shopping my party! This is a great deal that is only available to party-goers, but since you practically joined the party via this post (!!! virtual party for the win!), the deal applies to you! To take advantage of this special, make sure to type my name "Kristen Hale" as the hostess when you get to the check out page. Happy shopping, friends! I hope you find something great for that special mama in your life :)

P.S. - Since apparently I'm oozing with deals today, I wanted to remind you that Le Tote is offering my friends 20% off the first month's subscription box to rent/buy/wear garments and accessories using code OYKRISTEN. You can read more about my wondrous, laundry-free experience with Le Tote here.

Best Birthday Gifts for a 1-Year-Old

1. Baby Lit Don Quixote // 2. VTech Chomp and Count Dino // 3. Alphablock // 4. Nike Sneaks // 5. Radio Flyer Fold 2 Go Trike // 6. Babiator Sunglasses // 7. Mega Blocks First Wagon // 8. Kidoozie Water Table // 9. Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site //

Last month my son Everett turned 1 year old. We had so much fun throwing his first smashing party (pirate-style!) and of course, indulging in some present buying. I still tease that we bought him a house for his birthday, although it's not too far off from the truth. But Everett was gifted some really amazing toys and books, and I wanted to share a few of them in case you have a birthday party for a 1-year-old in your future!

1. Baby Lit Don Quixote
I'm just gonna go ahead and say that HANDS DOWN, this is his favorite item. Like ever. He has never been attached to a stuffed animal, a "lovey" or any other object, but for some reason, he loves this Baby Lit Don Quixote book. Who would have thought?!  We read it to him probably 10 times a day and I've been sending it with him when he goes to mothers morning out as if its his blankie. I don't know what to think, but I swear it's teaching him how to say "Hola". Seriously. He says it!

2. VTech Chomp and Count Dino
This VTech Chomp and Count Dino is probably as fun for me as it is for him. The music is not annoying (which is saying a lot for a kiddo toy) and it's truly a fun, interactive toy! We feed the dino different foods and he sings about them. I love it.

3. Alphablock
This is another book that is getting a lot of airtime in our world. The Alphablock is big, beautiful, and fun to read because it's not really reading at all. It's a book that goes through the letter of the alphabet in a quaint picture format. A really great gift!

4. Nike Sneaks
My sister got Everett a pair of kicks that look so similar to these, and he has suddenly become a big boy in them! He is walking (more like stomping) in these adorable, chunky athletic shoes and I feel like he is about to conquer the world in them. Plus, I think he likes looking like his daddy in big boy shoes. So stinkin' cute, guys. Seriously.

5. Radio Flyer Fold 2 Go Trike
We haven't really quite mastered the technique it takes to get him riding on this Radio Flyer Fold 2 Go Trike quite yet, but I feel like it's coming in the next few months. But it's such a timeless, fun gift; I am excited to see him scoot around on this baby trike!

6. Babiator Sunglasses
Okay, these little Babiator Sunglasses are the jam. Everett doesn't keep them on his face for too long (he likes to pull them off and chew on them), but they are TO DIE FOR cute. They're perfectly designed for babies, too, because he has bent them every which way and they refuse to break. So fun! And it feels good to know that these will actually protect his baby blues in the sun :)

7. Mega Blocks First Wagon
Haha okay my little boy has turned into a WORKER with this Mega Blocks First Wagon. He drags it all over our new house, from room to room, picking up random household items and piling them in his wagon. I think he feels like he's being useful while we unpack. It's hilarious. And actually, pretty counterproductive, since he keeps moving things around and I can't find them in this new space. Ah!

8. Kidoozie Water Table
Okay, so we didn't actually get a water table like this one, but we played with them at several other friends' birthday parties this summer, and oh! What an amazing invention! With summer beginning to wrap up, I think I will hold off on snagging one of these for him until next year, but truly, he is at the perfect age for it now. It's such a fun toy for, especially for the outdoors.

9. Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site
Going along with the theme of my baby transitioning into a little boy (literally, right before my eyes), my little sneaker-wearing, wagon-dragging babe has loved the book Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site. It's such a sweet story and introduces all the cool construction trucks that boys grow up to love. It's a good one.

Any fun gifts for 1-year-olds that I haven't experienced yet? I would love to hear about them!