Keeping Up With The Boys.

This was the day that my two-year-old wrote in pen on my white bed spread.

This was also the day he lunged toward the garage door as it was closing. Thank God for motion sensors.

This was the day that I cleaned bedrooms and went through old baby clothes while my 2-year-old zoomed trucks around my piles for his soon-to-be-bro. This was the day I did a zillion loads of laundry and cooked some freezable meals while he built block towers around my ankles. This was the day we finally collapsed in exhaustion onto the couch, and decided to watch Christmas Mickey Mouse on Netlflix (his favorite) with our feet up (my favorite). We both ate graham crackers in silence. Mickey gave Minnie a necklace.

This was the day that the 31-week-along baby in my belly learned how to do somersaults. Nay, learned to master somersaults.

These kinds of days aren't for the faint of heart. Keeping up with these boys requires all my concentration and energy, and even then, sometimes it doesn't feel like enough to fuel me through the day. When someone asks a mom (especially a pregnant mom), "How was your day?" the answer is almost impossible to summon. My day was wonderful, hilarious, exhausting, infuriating, impossible, delightful, and then exhausting again. As a mom, you can't sum up your day in a few words. Each new hour ushers in a set of circumstances and emotions that unbutton my pride and reveal my weakness once again.

During this pregnancy I've been on my feet a lot. I'm trying to refrain from being on them too long, but let's be honest - a woman's gotta walk! A mama's gotta play trains! And this lady has to get the laundry done, beds made, and meals doled out. After being on my feet too much and an enlightening visit to the ER (which I shared about here), it was recommended that I find a really good belly support band to help alleviate the weight and pressure. I shared last week about my favorite 2nd Trimester essentials, and one of those was the Blanqi Support Band that I started wearing when I was about 27 weeks pregnant. The band has made such an enormous difference in my day-to-day, and when I reached out to the company to spill my praise about the amazing support I've received from it, the lovely ladies over at Blanqi sent me a few more support pieces to try. And I am almost undone about the quality and, for lack of a better word, magic of these clothes.

If you want to know what I've been wearing for the past two weeks (by themselves and layered under other pieces), you're looking at it. The Maternity Belly Support Tank Top offers insanely maximum lifting support - it literally lifts my belly up and take so much pressure off my lower back.  The Maternity Support Wear Leggings offer moderate support and keep everything smooth and taut underneath clothes. And I've been wearing these two items together since they came in the mail - imagine the double support I've been experiencing! I was actually really sad yesterday when I was laundering everything again, just because I was missing out on the inexplicably great lift of this shapewear. I'll admit that the only downside to this shapewear is feeling hot from time to time- if you're like me and feel hot all the time when you're pregnant, then wearing leggings in this 80-degree Georgia heat can present some challenges. But still - I wish I would have known about this game-changing gear during my last pregnancy. It would have really alleviated that last 6 weeks of back pain.

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I love sharing when I find things that really, really work for me. And these pieces are the real deal, a must for any maternity wardrobe. I am so grateful that I discovered this brand so that the final leg of my pregnancy doesn't have to be quite as miserable as the last time around. And it's just a bonus that the ladies who run Blanqi (which is based here in Atlanta - what are the chances?!) are the sweetest, kindest moms who just want to help other women have easier, more comfortable pregnancies. I love supporting U.S. businesses, women's businesses, and most importantly, businesses creating something that MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

These pieces might not be able to get the ink out of my bed spread, but they are allowing me to stay on my feet a bit longer to get all the home life chores done that need doing. So I can not only keep up with my boys, but keep myself well cared-for, too. Every pregnant mama's dream.

You can shop Blanqi with this link and receive 20% off your order, friends!

P.S. if you have a pregnant friend, this is the perfect gift to give her - seriously! She will thank you every single day for the remainder of allllll her pregnancies :)

Outfit Details:
Blanqi Support Tank (c/o), Blanqi Support Leggings (c/o), Wendy Bellissimo Maternity Poncho (on sale here!)

Many thanks to Blanqi for sending me the featured support wear. As always, all opinions expressed are my own.

My 8 Must-Haves for the 2nd Trimester.

This pregnancy has been so weird. I oscillate between feeling really grateful and really over it. The good thing that I keep reminding myself is that I know what is on the other side of this experience - a sweet, delicious smelling newborn straight from Heaven. I am really looking forward to the newborn stage (don't quote me on that when I'm sleep deprived), because I know that I can look forward to it. I was so freaked out and on edge the first time around with my son, because he was colicky and cried all night long. And all day too. I felt like I had to be doing something wrong. But this time around, I feel like I will actually be able to enjoy those sweet, snuggling moments a whole lot more.

However, I am not there yet. I am currently in the home stretch of this pregnancy, but the items below were discovered and thoroughly enjoyed in my second trimester. Many of them have carried over into this third trimester, too.

1. Mason Jar of Water.
I'm treating hydration like it's my job these days. Because if I falter even a little bit, I am experiencing contractions a lot a bit. My goal is to drink four of these 32-oz. jars a day. It helps to add a bit of mint and lime, or lemon and cucumber. It also helps that it has a fun straw :)

2. Blanqi Support Belly Band.
I might cry a little while I talk about this one. After coming home from New York, I knew I had to do something about the insane pressure down under. I researched maternity belts and got scared. Those things look like they should be used in terrorist torture. Then I found the Blanqi site and drooled over all the support wear they offer - finally landing on the band for everyday wear. It has made SUCH a huge difference, I can actually walk around throughout the day and not feel like my baby is falling out.

3. Lavender Essential Oil (for diffusing).
I have been a long-time attempter of essential oils, and I have no answer in regards to which brand is best. But I do know that I feel a difference when I diffuse oils in my bedroom at night. This particular oil has been on rotation lately to help me sleep better. I also like to throw some eucalyptus in there from time to time, for funsies.

4. Deep Steep Chamomile Lavender Bubble Bath
My sisters gifted this decadence to me for my birthday and I am obsessed. I've started taking a warm bath every night at 9pm because it helps me sleep better. This stuff smells so good and is free of a lot of chemicals that other bubble baths have, so it's a big win in my book. My sisters are the sweetest.

5. Jarro-dophilus Probiotic.
Keeping things regular over here, with this handy dandy probiotic. Get you some.

6. Magnesium Spray.
This is probably a weird one, but with all the contractions I've been experiencing, I have been willing to try anything that will help. A few friends mentioned that I might need to take a magnesium supplement, and this is a spray-on version. It's like putting on lotion!

7. Nike Tennis Shoes.
All day, every day. These days I need support like you need air to breathe. In fact, I should probably get another pair of sneakers.

8. Bare Minerals Gel Nude Lip Color
Because when you're sweaty, hefty and hemorrhoid-laden, you need something in your life to remind you that you were once a cute girl. Lipstick is doing that for me these days, friends. Loving these nude matte shades from Bare Minerals.

Anything that helped you mamas out during the second and third trimesters? Because the need for support/input/encouragement these days is REAL. xox.