Noel: For the Laughing Littles
Christmas Gift Guide: For the Laughing Littles by knhale on Polyvore // 1. Anthropologie The Secret Garden // 2. Anthropologie Paris Puzzle // 3. Anthropologie USA Wooden Blocks // 4. Land of Nod Animal Stack Growth Chart // 5. Anthropologie Louis the Lion // 6. The Highline Park in the Sky Onesie // 7. Minnetonka Moccasin Fringe Bootie // 8. Land of Nod Monaco Mach 2 Racer // 9. Abe's Market Zoe B Organic Sleepy Hat // 10. Anthropologie Maps Book // 11. Amazon "This is New York" Book // 12. Anthropologie The Complete Peter Rabbit Collection // 13. Anthropologie All Aboard Train Puzzle //
For the Laughing Littles.
I am ridiculously blessed with nieces and nephews aplenty. They're so much fun to shop for at Christmas time! I love seeing their reactions as they awkwardly tear open the wrapping paper and discover the colorful new addition to their toy family. Their faces cannot tell a lie - they either love a gift or are immediately bored with it. Makes my heart laugh. I do my best to gift books and puzzles, because for some reason I want to be that aunt. This year I came across so many sweet gifts that I couldn't not share some of them. I hope this helps as you hunt for some last-minute kiddo presents. Kids have the magical power of containing MUCH of the Christmas spirit without even realizing it - we should all honor that joy on Christmas morning!
For the Littles (and their sparkling Christmas morning faces),