Happy Mothers Day Gift Guide
Happy Mothers Day Gift Guide by oykristen
She deserves a present.
I was doing a little happy hunting for my mom for Mothers Day and I thought I would share a few fun picks that inspired me. Friends, don't forget, Mother's Day is May 10! Waiting until last minute normally doesn't pan out too well (plus, all the good cards are taken!), so make sure to plan a bit early. You still have time to score an amazing, thoughtful and pampering gift for that woman who BIRTHED YOU. Mom, if you're reading this, you aren't getting any of these - the surprise shall remain intact.
These delicious candles are totally a luxury and they smell ahhhhhmazing. They feel like a decadent gift because it's not really the kind of thing you would ever buy yourself. But to receive as a gift? Well that's just fancy pants. Include along with a vial of bath salts and you might just win the kid-of-the-year award for this one.
2. Terrain Hydrangea Petal Cuff
My mom would rock this cuff so hard. It's so pretty and delicate, and yet the bronze material is sturdy and tough. Wow. A metaphor for moms everywhere - pretty, delicate, sturdy, tough. I'M WRITING THE POEM FOR YOUR MOTHER'S DAY CARD RIGHT HERE. Copy and paste. You're welcome.
This is such a goodie. If someone gave me anything Rifle Paper Company, I would melt. These products are just so frilly and inspiring. And let's face it, moms everywhere could use a pretty journal. We have thoughts.
Because there is very little in life that can say what a peach fedora can say. (In case you're wondering, it says I LOVE YOUR SWAG, MOM in that hushed powdery shade).
5. Terrain Zinc Sphere Hanging Basket
You could put a plant in this one and really knock her socks off. Who doesn't want a bit of green earth hanging in the corner of the room? INSTANT ATMOSPHERE BOOSTER.
6. Anthropologie Color-Daze Scarf
This scarf makes me want to eat a Popsicle. Here mom, have a popsicle scarf.
A dainty home for all the necklaces you've given her for the past ten Mother's Days.
May 10! May 10! May 10! DON'T FORGET!!! K you've been fairly warned. May 10. Mom's day for the win.