Apple Picking in North Georgia!

He just picked that apple off the tree and started chomping.

He just picked that apple off the tree and started chomping.

We collected this many apples in about 60 seconds.

We collected this many apples in about 60 seconds.

And we might have contributed to this pile as well. Sorry, Mother Nature.

And we might have contributed to this pile as well. Sorry, Mother Nature.

This dad is winning in my book.

This dad is winning in my book.

No, I don't know how to juggle.

No, I don't know how to juggle.



They are a girl family. We are a boy family. We are very, very different families ;)

They are a girl family. We are a boy family. We are very, very different families ;)


I wish I could say this was the most epic-ally Fall day ever.

It was not.

It was like 90+ degrees up in the mountains (so much for wearing cute autumn clothes), and my poor little baby had a fever. Believe me, if I had known he wasn't feeling well, I wouldn't have dragged him out into the fields! He's been teething hardcore, so I'm pretty sure that was the reason why he had a temperature. We didn't realize it until we got back into the car because he hides his misery with so much grace (unlike my other child, who was wailing beside him for some mundane non-sick reason).

But this was my 30th birthday and I wanted to celebrate with my people by doing something fun and fall-like, so apple picking we went! My sister was with us (she took most of these photos, and of course, we got none together, #siblingfail), and we met our best buddies and their kiddos at the farm, too! It was one big happy (except for Daxton, but he was most comforted when I was holding him). We picked soooo many apples out at Mercier Orchards. Once we were done with the hayride and the apple picking (it was seriously so hot, we had to get out of the scorching sun), we retreated inside and cooled off with muscadine cider slushies (YES, YOU HEARD ME RIGHT), and lunched on a plethora of farm yard favorites (aka burgers, grilled cheese and turkey melts). But while Stevie was tending to the boys (putting Daxton down for a nap in his carseat and taking Everett potty, etc.), my sister and I managed to squeeze in a hard cider tasting and as a result we managed to laugh a lot after that. Cider isn't really my thing, but when in Rome, right?

A word on my sister. Rachel came in town weeks ago when they voluntarily evacuated Florida because of hurricane Irma. Thankfully, their home wasn't damaged in the storm, but I somehow managed to get her to stay and hang out with us for a few weeks longer than she anticipated. And it was the best! I just love my sister so much and I admire her grace, loyalty and generous spirit. She is a seriously beautiful person inside and out and I feel so lucky to be related to someone that I also call my best friend. My sisters are the reasons that I want to have lots of babies, because I want to be able to give my kids the kind of life-long friendships that I have been so blessed with in my own sisters. Okay, side note over.

I am 30 years old. We picked at least double that in apples. So at this moment I am extremely rich in apple sauce, apple butter and apple pies! You should come over, because I have apple treats galore.

Tell me - what are the "musts" on your fall bucket list? I'd love to hear in the comments! We still have to go to a pumpkin patch, go hiking, do some leaf peeping and drink all the pumpkin things.

Happy Tuesday to you, friends!

P.S. - I'm wearing this top, my jeans are sold out but there are a few similar styles here and here, these boots, these sunglasses and this shade on my cheeks and lips (multisticks for the win!)

The 15 MUSTS on My Fall Bucket List.

Happy Monday to you, friends! I hope your weekend was sweet and cool with that fall breeze we've been having over here. I wanted to share my little fall bucket list today and see if you had any great ideas to add to this. Have you made a bucket list of autumn things you would like to do this season? I am extra excited about this season because I am so satisfied with the stage our family is in. I am really really loving the age Everett is because I feel like we can really do some fun things with him this fall and he is experiencing them fully. He might not remember these things, but the joy, excitement, adventure and love are surely making a life-long impact on him. I am so lucky to be a part of creating that for him.

The 15 MUSTS on My Fall Bucket List:
1. Pick a Pumpkin.
I seriously can't wait to see Everett toddling around a pumpkin patch. I MEAN. He needs a flannel vest. And maybe some boots. Ahhh PUMPKINS.

2. Enjoy some seriously colorful foliage.
Man, these are the times when I miss my New England days. The foliage up there is so painted and pretty it's just silly. SILLY.

3. Apple Pick.
I always want to bring home two bushels, and every time Stevie says no. Then buys me a cider donut to cheer me up. It's our routine.

4. Visit the Mountains.
Any mountains will do. It just feels like the right time to GO. And take to the mountains. Like Frodo did.

5. Enjoy Mulled Wine.
Oh gosh, this stuff is my Achilles heel. Made some this weekend! Checkedy check!

6. Make something with pumpkin and apples.
I usually make both of these pies around Thanksgiving time, but I'd like to get more out of the box with my recipes this fall and makes something different!

7. Read a good book.
As part of my Intentional October, I am reading a few right now. I feel so alive!

8. Sit by the fire.
We have a fire place in our new home! While it's not wood-burning (which is my favorite), I guess I will enjoy the cleanliness of this gas fireplace. Although I can feel that Stevie will be monitoring my use of it due to the expense... He's not always Scrooge. But sometimes. And sometimes I am an excessive fire starter. What's wrong with every day? Why NOT every day???

9. Decorate outdoors with some good mums.
Now this was just a lead into another one that I've already done and feel so right about. I love mums so much. Don't you just feel like you're talking about a British mother AND Fall's most famous flower?! Two for one, those mums.

10. Drink a Pumpkin Spice Latte.
Okay, so I also did this one this weekend, and I don't know WHAT I WAS THINKING by telling my mother as I drove the the Starbucks drive-through, because then she just gave me a talking-to about how bad those are for our health. I mean, mom! It's my first and last one of the season, I promise. Just let me have my chemically-induced pumpkin spice latte and let me TRY to enjoy it! Also - I think they've raised the price by like, a dollar since last fall. Am I right?

11. Unearth my Fall Clothes.
The closet space in my new pad isn't great, but in some ways, I think that's a really good thing! It's making me really careful about what I add to my closet and I'm finding new uses for old things. However, my fall boots are my favorite thing about my entire wardrobe. And they are out to play!

12. Make stew. Any will do.
I've got so many stew recipes. I will share a few of my favorites next week!

13. Make a wreath.
I've never done a craft like this before. I'm thinking that it's time :)

14. Go Camping.
Just planned a camping trip! I'm not the most rugged girl on Earth, but I can enjoy one night under the stars every once in a while and not moan about it. Just give me smores.

15. Run in the crispy morning air.
We've gotten a hint of fall here in Georgia, but in a few more weeks, I know that morning air is going to get crispy. And I am waking up early these days, so I will seize it! My favorite running is in the fall.

That's my list! What's yours? Anything you would add?

Also, I wanted to encourage everyone that has joined me for Intentional October - you are doing awesome! The feedback has been stellar, so just know that you are in this with a lot of others who are going after some intentional change in their lives this month! If you're new to Intentional October, check out my post on what it is, how you can make this month intentional for yourself, and hone in on your focus. I'll check in with everyone here on the blog on Thursday to give an update on how it's going! Remember to tag your Instagram photos with the hashtag #intentionaloctober so you can encourage others, have a conversation and experience the accountability of this pursuit. You can follow my Instagram feed here.

Happiest of Mondays to you, friends!