Prayers of a Mama.

I pray that he is strong. But sensitive, too.

I hope that he is confident. Sure of all the goodness that is unique to him.

I just know that he is going to be funny. I don't know why, but I just do.

I want him to be trustworthy. Accessible. Humble.

I want him to dream enormously, radically big dreams.

I pray that some things come easily to him -  like making friends and understanding the letters on the board.

I pray that he knows how loved he is. All the days of his life, that the love would saturate into his bones and rattle his DNA.

I can't wait to hear his voice sing, see his features mature, and watch where his feet take him.

It's going really fast. I am having trouble catching my breath, because he's just growing right before my eyes. Every day that I get him out of his crib, he is longer, stronger, his eyes more engaging. How is time speeding up?

Everett and I like to call him our lovey dovey :) It's amazing how a baby can melt you into a cooing, ridiculous, baby-talking fool.


My 2-month-old Daxton might just be teething. I know you probably think I'm crazy. Everett teethed reeeeeally early, and lately Daxton has started gnawing on everything in sight. I started wearing my Mama & Little teething jewelry last week as a way to get him used to it. Training him to know that this it's just for him - something he can practice cutting his little soon-to-be teeth on :) He's catching on.

I was introduced to this jewelry because I won some of it on an Instagram giveaway! So seriously you guys... enter those giveaways (ahem, see below for your chance...) Mama & Little jewelry is made of 100% food-grade silicone, is FDA-approved, and is free of all creepy toxins, including BPA, PVC, phthalate, cadmium, latex, lead and heavy metals. The necklaces feature a breakaway clasp (for added safety) and an exposed cord design to avoid hair snags and tangles. So basically Arleene (the founder of M&L) has thought through every scenario that would make a piece of teething jewelry really convenient and comfortable for on-the-go mamas. Thank goodness!

My favorites out of the collection are the ones I'm wearing - the Frida, the Nicole and the Alexa. Interested in winning some of this fun jewelry? Visit my instagram - I'm running a giveaway for a $50 Mama & Little gift card! Winner will be contacted on March 1 - best of luck to you, friends!

Many thanks to Mama & Little for sponsoring this post. All opinions expressed are my own.