The Things I Miss and the Things I Don't.
/Sunset over the Hudson River from a few nights ago. Taken from High Line Park.
I'm sipping on my Stumptown coffee this morning and the apartment is quiet. Processing. This baby inside of me is wiggling. The toddler is sleeping soundly. The husband went to play basketball early before work. I love these moments, because they are so rare. The ones I get to keep for myself.
I wasn't planning to post anything today, because, well, I have an editorial calendar and it's been a challenge enough to keep up with it. I have so many photos to edit it isn't funny. While being up here, away from our normal routine and childcare and grandmothers pitching in to help, "normal" has fallen by the wayside. It's been just me and my boys. And it's been wonderful and challenging in a special kind of way. Although my normal routine and responsibilities have been backburnered while I tend to the new ones - making sure everyone feels homey, safe, cared for, stable. Holding lots of hands. Making lots of plans. I am missing home, but not terribly. I am missing routine, but not craving it. I know it will come again, just like the morning and the ocean tide and the rising sounds of the city. So I am just enjoying these few moments, this odd gift of time where I get to adventure along with these 2 (3?) boys of mine. But I must say.
I miss my wild, untamed, jungle-y garden.
I miss the quiet under the trees of the winding golf cart paths.
I miss sitting on my back porch, watching Everett tumble around in the grass.
Thought I don't miss the mosquitoes.
I miss the comfort of my home, but I have rediscovered how cozy and simple a home can be. We don't need a big house with tons of furniture - this apartment is furnished with just what it needs, and it's enough. I like that. I really really like that.
I miss my mom. And my other mom.
I don't miss the humidity. Or that chain restaurants are kind of the only option. I have eaten really really well up here. You should see my burgeoning belly.
Up here, the drivers are aggressive, the roads are narrow, and the sounds are constant. I don't appreciate those things.
We brought Everett 12 books and two small canvas totes of toys. He's managing just fine.
Attitude really, really, really is everything. I could be crying about all the things I'm missing. And missing out on. Or I could be happy and optimistic about the coming season. Or I could be living each day, fully present and true in the moment. I've done all three on this trip. A simple attitude adjustment is the very best medicine, I'm convinced of it.
I packed too many clothes, and I packed for myself and Everett in the same suitcase. I am really struck by how little we need for life to go 'round. Life just really isn't about the stuff.
But then, I really do love the activity of shopping. Discovering and creating and planning and arranging. There's something so artistic in finding new treasures. So there's that. I am my own oxymoron.
I just realized that today is September 1 and it all makes sense. This is my month, the time that I always reflect and feel the shift in the season. So yeah. It all makes more sense now. Good morning to you friends, and happy September to you. It's going to be a very good season, I can sense it.
It all makes much more sense now.