New Video Clips!

New Clips!

Oh happy Friday. I've got a little entertainment for your holiday weekend kick-off. I've added a ton of new clips and photos to my website, so feel free to check it out and let me know your thoughts!

We Need to Talk.

Let's have a word on self-promotion. You probably won't believe me, but I pretty much hate it. It's very, VERY uncomfortable for me to be spamming the world with my every entertainment move. It's kinda so awkward to be all, "Hey world, let's talk some more about ME!" However, entertainment is the industry that I want to be in, which means, basically, I need to play ball. In order to accomplish my aspirations, I've got to be putting myself "out there" and expanding my reach. So if you're like me, and find the phenomena of taking "selfie" photos a little uncomfortable/strange, please just extend your grace and understand that I'm really not self-obsessed. Seriously. However, I am un-apologetically dream-obsessed, and I WILL take the necessary measures to accomplish my goals. So, if you're half-annoyed with my blog postsweb updatesset photos and video clips, please feel free to un-friend me. I won't take it personally (that's probably a lie.) But in all seriousness. This venture I'm embarking upon is an uphill battle, and I could use all the encouragement and support I can get! Whew. I'm glad we had that talk. I've been meaning to put that out there. I wish I could give you a hug right now. And a Girl Scout Cookie. Now, let me tell you about a few projects.


Filmed in Boston this past spring, Psyche is an experimental film based on the mythological Greek love story of Cupid and Psyche. This little film packs a punch, featuring a back-and-forth "glitch" between myth and reality, some interesting animations and (don't say it!) a flirtation with having an affair. I know, I know. Crazy stuff. Check out a few clips.

Psyche (4) - "Where Is Your Husband." from Kristen Nicole Hale on Vimeo.

Kiwi Promo.

Kiwi is a mobile app that lets you store your paper/electronic receipts in one easy-to-use application. I recorded the voiceover for this in Boston, but the commercial was filmed in Atlanta. A big shout out to Drew Kaiser and his AWESOME team at Southern Lights Productions for this one!

Kiwi from Kristen Nicole Hale on Vimeo.


You can also check out my brand-spankin' NEW voiceover demo, recorded by the ever-so-talented John Pitzer.  Listen here. Heh, or here.

Even MORE.

AND I have an updated reel. Can't be going on auditions without updated "stuff."

Kristen Nicole Hale Reel from Kristen Nicole Hale on Vimeo.

Media overload? I know, me too. But thanks for tuning in and being awesome!

If you like these updates, shout it from the rooftops! (Or from the tweet-tops!)

All these clips are up on my website. I hope you have the happiest holiday weekend!