Sunday Gratitude

Well hello friends. I hope your weekend has been swell. And sunny. There are a lot of reasons I have to be thankful on this fine Sunday.

Brunch //

I had a spectacular brunch today with the crew from Progressive Palate. While we didn't progress in the traditional sense of the word (we remained in one steady location this time), we certainly forged ahead in plans for the future. Our combined travel itineraries for the summer span across the globe and I had a ridiculous amount of fun learning kitchen secrets from the in-house Roman-trained chef. Needless to say, the frittata was to die for. Be on the lookout this week for my recipe for Mango Coconut Baked Oatmeal. It was a real crowd pleaser.

Plans //

Stevie and I have been developing our Euro trip plan, and it's really starting to take shape. More to come on the planning progress later in the week, but I am very pleased (let's be honest, I am over the moon enthusiastic) about this month-long adventure we are about to embark upon!

Weather //

This is the biggie. I've whined A LOT about the cold dark Cambridge winter we've had (evidence herehere and here, most notably) but I am happy to announce that spring has really and truly sprung. Everything is in peak bloom right now and the streets of Cambridge look all gussied up and ready for a wedding. The trees have stretched their bare arms into the sky and have pulled the sunshine down into their roots. Suddenly tiny, wondrous buds have blossomed and I can't believe it was ever as icy as my pictures indicate. I am happy to share some photographic treats of this beauty. You deserve it, since you endured my bad weather attitude.

Oh the Glory.

I have so much to be thankful for today. So many wonderfully pregnant friends and family. Exotic travels in the near future. An anticipated move to a new city at summer's hazy end. And these beautiful flowers blooming all around, reminding me of life's sweetest, most progressive season.

Enjoy a moment for gratitude today.