Spontaneous Trip to Florida!


We took the most spontaneous, last-minute, throw-stuff-in-the-car-and-GO kind of trip last weekend. The kids had a winter break, which means they were off school all week long, and of course, I'm always dreaming of sunny days. My sister-in-law Lauren texted me and my other sis-in-law Katie and said, "Wild idea - wanna take the kids down to the beach??" We were all like, YES. Lauren has taken like 10,000 church group trips down to the Panama City area over the years, so with her hook up we found a last minute rental that was available. Then we all basically tossed our children into their carseats and HIGHTAILED down to the ocean.


The water was too cold for me, but kids are so resilient! Everett and Daxton had such a blast with their cousins. These kids are the cutest - they really love each other and it brings back such amazing memories that I have of growing up near my cousins.

And I have no idea how I ended up with no pictures of Katie here, except that she must have been avoided my paparazzi eye. She wins mom of the year award, because she toted her kids down to the beach solo while pregnant. #momsohard


Daxton was so much fun at the beach this year! Last year it was a ton of work with him, because he was still so little. But this time around he just crawled everywhere, ate a lot of sand, and really played, with sand toys and everything! It was so much fun to see him coming alive in a new way! Also, he started walking while we were down here. Just another sign from the LORD that the beach is always, always a good idea.


Oh - and we biked! In the same impromptu fashion, we bough a bike trailer while we were down there so we could take both of the boys on the back of our bike and ride to dinner! I've wanted one of these for a while, because I know it will come to good use this year. Everett is learning to ride his bike right now (he's getting really good!), but when we want to take longer rides this is such a great option and you guys - they hold hands while riding. I could just die.


I mean. We weren't having a bad time you guys.


These two just make me laugh SO MUCH. I cannot handle Brent's shenanigans. In all honesty - I lucked out in the in-law department. I love them so much!


Found a purple wall that was incredible. Unfortunately it was a little too dark when we tried to take some pics in front of it - but I love this one of the kids jumping off the ledge!


I think this trip was just so refreshing to my soul because it was just so spontaneous. January was such a crummy month, haha. Everyone in our family dealt with different forms of the flu bug, so we were kind of down for the count. And February was suuuuuper busy for me - my essential oils business has really picked up the pace and I'm still figuring out the "balance" (muahahah the elusive myth - BALANCE!) of how to work and still do all the mom things I love to do. This was actually a really busy week for me, when we decided to come down to the beach, but I figured that working with an ocean view is still way better than not! Plus Stevie was able to take a few days off and it was really great for all of us to be together down there.

It makes me want to simplify our travel - less planning time meant bringing way less stuff and it was easier to make decisions when we were down there - pb & j for lunch because that's all we've got! This ONE tube of sunscreen because that's all we brought! This ONE bathing suit - because that's all we grabbed when we packed!

Simplicity and spontaneity. I think they might be my new love languages. xx


Playing it Safe in the Sun.

I am reeeeeeeeally excited to head to the beach for our annual family trip in a few weeks. I've been a little bit fixated on getting in the sun, stretching out in a canvas-backed chair and facing that glorious Gulf of Mexico. Letting all my cares wash into the the waves and breathing in that purifying sea salt air. If you ask me, THAT'S the American dream :)

I've started stocking up on all the necessary gear and sun products to keep my family protected in the sun this summer. These aren't only beach-related products, they will work when you're exercising, gardening, playing sports or playing outside at the park. These are just the essentials that I keep in a gallon-sized ziplock and throw into my beach bag or purse whenever we are going to be outside in the sun. When things heat up in Georgia, there's no time for messing around. Summers here can be brutal without the right gear.

These are my tried-and-true products for fun in the sun. Some are new to me this year, and some have been family staples for years.

For Skin:

  • As for sunscreen, I have loved using The Honest Company sunscreen (the Mineral Sunscreen, the Continuous Spray and the Sunscreen Stick) for babies and kids especially. And after doing a lot of research about chemical versus mineral ingredients, this year I'll be using Garden Goddess. More about sunscreen ingredients here.
  • Don't forget about bug spray! Again, I'm a sucker for The Honest Company Bug Spray. I've been coating it on since I've been gardening lately, and it smells like essential oils. Which is better than smelling like plain old deet.
  • As a daily moisturizer, I've been using Juice Beauty Tinted CC Cream for a few months now, and I am loving it. It provides just the right amount of coverage so that you can totally get away without wearing makeup for those mom-clothes, mom-hair kind of days. Which I have a LOT.
  • For a little extra boost, I've been using The Honest Company Elevated Hydration Mist. They sent it to me in one of my bundles as a little Mother's Day gift (thank you!) and it's actually a really nice pick-me-up to spritz on when I hit that 3pm slump. Think of it like a green smoothie for your skin.

For Hair:

For Lips:

  • I like to keep it simple with an Eos balm most days (this mega pack is my weakness), but when I get in the sun I really like to coat on Kiss My Face Sport Balm. It seems to withstand the elements a little better than your average balm.

And there you have it! All the products that I keep up my sleeve (or actually, in my beach bag) for goofing off in the sun. I want to mention that, obviously, the best protection from the sun's harmful rays is clothing, and I make sure to keep myself and my family in a hat and sun-protective clothing when we are outside.

I hope you are gearing up for at least one getaway in the sunshine this summer! If you have plans, where are you heading off to this season? Any products that you love to add to this list? I'd love to hear from you!

(Late) Morning Musings

// Mail-order Makeup from Sephora // Teacups I just couldn't resist bringing home // Impromptu Facetime dinner date with my dear friend Meredith // Waited 1.5 hours at an audition // Magical day at the Magic Kingdom (more to come on this delightful adventure!) // (Finally) a sunny jog along the Charles River //

I've been lazily enjoying Spring Break this week. My husband has a week off from school, so we have enjoyed the time away from the normal everyday hum-drum. Ha, I say hum-drum, but I really wouldn't describe our life that way. There is always something going on! Which is why it's been a lovely break this week :-)


// This tasty treat has really been perking up spirit in the midst of the woeful wintery blues.


// "Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Suess. I read it aloud (twice) to my sweet nephew Ollie and I was the one weeping at the end. Oh Auntie Kristen. Seriously, though, every adult should read this book once a month. It's so inspiring.


// How does one garden in urban spaces? I gave my sister some seeds for flowers this week and it really got me inspired to grow some herbs when we move to NYC. Shouldn't be hard, right?


// All kinds of springy clothes, especially items that could be worn over and over again in Europe, like this and this...


// Spring! I love the warm dry sunshine, running out doors and the pastel water-y colors I'm seeing everywhere. This is probably my last Spring Break so I am totally enjoying it. Although...  I feel entirely too old for this!

What are you celebrating about Spring this week?