Baby #2 - 34-Week Bumpdate.

How Far Along: 34 weeks. My goodness.

Gender: BOY.

Name: Everett calls him by name and it melts me.

Sleeping? Sometimes! Sometimes I sleep terribly and sometimes, like last night, I slept like a baby. I appreciate the cooler temperatures these days, I think it helps with the sleep :)

Eating: So, the no-sugar mission has turned a challenging corner. Halloween teased me, I finally had to throw all the candy away because it was a temptation. Not because I want tons of sugar, but just a little here and there semi-regularly. Oh, and I want hot chocolate with marshmallows. I just WANT it. And I'm not a big self-deprivation person because I don't think that's psychologically healthy, so I give in here and there. But I know when I am eating completely clean, I feel better and lighter. So it's a tough balance. Also, tacos are a thing right now. Give them. And lots of crushed ice in my water. I've been chomping on ice like its my job. I know it's not good for my teeth, but it just feels so good...

Emotional Check: I've finally accepted that this pregnancy is completely different from my first, and it's just okay. Even though I'm still having contractions semi-regularly, I feel peace in my heart that this baby isn't coming out too soon. I've also been making positive, out-loud declarations over my body and this baby, and I really believe in the power of those words. Re-reading sections of my pregnancy books has also helped ease my heart a bit, and remind me what I am about to have to do - give birth! P.S. my book list from the first pregnancy here.

Movement: Whoa, yes. He must be so long because there are moments (like all the time now), where I feel him poke in two places simultaneously that are faaaaar apart, like the top of my right rib and the bottom left corner of my hip bone. He is reaching for the stars in there. Too bad he's bumping up against my lungs and bladder and whatnot.

Looking Forward to: Oh, I am in the stage now where I am just enjoying each day as it passes. I am really soaking in my moments with Everett, cuddling on the couch and watching Mickey Mouse. Wandering through the Christmas section at Target and letting Everett pick out ornaments while also getting covered in glitter (it's not Christmas violation if you're giving birth at Christmas, we have to prep early over here.) Finishing up little things in the baby room, ordering last-minute items online, continuing to add to my hospital bag, which is at the foot of my bed. All these things are still in preparation-mode, but I feel a shift from the frantic feelings I had a month ago, and now I'm just sort of relaxed in my heart a bit more. He is going to come when he comes. And it will be exactly as it should be.

I can't wait to snuggle my baby, you guys. I actually know all the good things to look forward to this time around, and I am dwelling on that anticipation.

Baby #2 - 28-Week Bumpdate + Hey 3rd Trimester!

How Far Along: 28 weeks. 7 months and entering the third trimester :)

Gender: Another boy. Oh my grocery bills.

Name: Yep! We've got a name!

Sleeping? So. Sort of. If I don't take a bath at night to unwind, then I can't sleep. There is something magical about the bath tub right now, so I'm not going to dare jinx it by not taking one every night. My sisters got me some really amazing bubble bath for my birthday this past weekend, and I am loving it so much. So I am really grateful for the tub these days :)

Eating: I'm actually trying to scale back the sugar in this final trimester. Apparently this is a big baby already (pray for me guys), so I don't want to add to the chunkiness by packing on the sugar pounds. If you have great healthy recipes for me, I am all ears. And perhaps some treats that feel indulgent but contain no sugar. It's going to be really hard to experience the holiday season without having a cookie here or there, but I really want to avoid giving birth to a 10-lb. baby if I can help it. So if I bake treats, I will immediately be giving them away this fall. You probably want to be my friend right about now, as I am currently littering my dining room table with fall recipes.

Emotional Check: Honestly, I'm officially a psycho. I don't really know another way to put it. I shared last week that I'm having to scale everything back for the remainder of this pregnancy, and I'm feeling frustrated about it. Sometimes I'm really positive and optimistic, but I definitely get hit with some feelings like "I just want to go run 5 miles right now!!!" and obviously I can't. I'm having to keep my feet up a lot and let other people do all my projects for me, which is just really grating. And then when I feel upset I get even more upset at myself for not remembering to be grateful for this baby and all the kindness and support I have around me and the short season that this is. Soon I know I will be cradling this little sweetheart in my arms and we will be back to figuring out how to exercise and meal plan and all that good stuff. So for now, I know I just need to chill. I'm just having some trouble with it. I can be honest with you, right? This pregnancy has really thrown me for a loop.

I do want to thank you guys for being so encouraging and supportive after last week's post. So many of you reached out on Facebook, Instagram, and the post and shared your experiences and it seriously brought so much hope to my heart. I loved all the suggestions of what to do from a resting position over the next few weeks - you guys are the best! I seriously cherish every comment, so thank you for taking the time to reach out. :)

Movement: Yes. I feel like I'm housing Thor up in here. He feels huge, he moves all the time, and if he keeps jabbing me in the you-know-what I'm going to have to discipline him in the first hours of his life.

I'm serious you guys. The movements aren't feeling like the sweet flutters of Heaven. They are a cross between feeling like contractions and a knife wound.

Looking Forward to: I was going to say ,"ending this pregnancy full-term!", but I want to be a little more positive than that. Obviously, everyone is excited for the changing of the season, and fall is such a dreamy time of year, so I am very much looking forward to cooler temperatures. We worked a lot in the back yard this weekend (by "we" I mean that I saw in my chair and told my husband where to plant everything), so now I have a special place to sip my coffee in the mornings and have prayer time, surrounded by herbs and vegetables and autumn flowers. I'm having to do a lot of self-encouraging these days, which is okay, it's good - it's just been a very unexpected month. That's just life sometimes though, right friends?

Here's to cooler temperatures and a full-term baby! What are you looking forward to for the fall season?

*The photo above is a bit of a lie. It was taken a few weeks ago so it's not an accurate portrayal of today's bump. I'll instagram one later today :)

37-Week Bumpdate

37-Week Bumpdate

It's all happening, people. These last few weeks of pregnancy are really something. It feels like all my emotions and physical feelings are heightened. Even though I feel heavier than ever (um, because I am), and more uncomfortable and tired, I also feel strangely exhilarated, anticipating my impending labor experience. It's about to get really REAL. I just hope I'm ready.

The Progress.

How Far Along: 37 weeks, woohoo!

Gender: MALE.

Name: Everett Lee Hale

Sleeping? Finally, I am taking nap after nap this week without shame. I've had a hard time napping in the past because I just feel like I'm wasting time. But this week, the tiredness has hit a new high (or low?), and I have just given in. It's amazing how a 1-hour afternoon nap can really power me through the rest of the day.

Eats: Let's talk about coconut milk. Man, it's so delicious! My grocery store was out of almond milk, so I thought I would give the coconut a try. Success! It's like an Aloha in every bowl. Been having it with cereal, granola and fruit. It's also been a good midnight snack accessory :)

Wearing: Officially, about half of my maternity shirts are too short. For instance, yesterday I fumbled my way out of a darling tea shop in Atlanta (where my mom and sis & I enjoyed an impromptu tea party!) As I walked to the car, a man smoking a cigarette on the side of the street hollered at me, half-laughing, "Any day now, huh?" And I chuckled and replied, "Oh yeah, any day!" He looked at me sort of strangely and I just kept walking. People are SO INTERESTED in pregnant women, so I've gotten used to comments about my roundness. But as I kept walking, I felt a slight breeze cooling my belly and I looked down. Half my stomach was hanging out of the bottom of my tank top. HALF MY STOMACH WAS SHOWING. Oh dear God, I am that sloppy pregnant woman. Walking down the streets of Atlanta. Baring myself. I hollered at my mom and sister, "Dear Lord, you have GOT to help a sister out! Tell me when I'm flashing the world my linea nigra!!!!!!" They just died laughing and practically peed their pants in the street, claiming they didn't notice because they were walking ahead of me. Which they were, because I don't walk anymore, I waddle. I almost died of pregnant embarrassment.

Most Ignorant Comments of the Week (all from strangers): 

- Woman sashaying by me in Walmart, "Mmm, don't sneeze too hard, honey."And she just kept walking. No conversation needed.

- Woman at the Belk makeup counter, "You having a boy? He's hanging LOW. Boys like it down there, no matter what age they are, huh??" I almost vomited.

- Girl in an SUV, driving past me in a parking lot (about 6 feet away), windows down, points to me and yells to everyone in the car, "Look, that girl's about to pop!" Um, your window is down. I CAN HEAR YOU.

- Lesson learned? Avoid going out in public. Because apparently Everett and I are some kind of circus act.

Exercise: It's been a bit cooler in Atlanta this week (thank goodness!), so the swimming has been a chilly thought. I've started doing my squats again. And kegels. And now that I think about it, not much else. Now I'm inspired to take a walk... anyone wanna go with me? Stevie's given up on my "exercise", I think it bores him to tears.

Emotional Check:  I feel really good this week. My midwife complemented my abdomen's "muscle tone" (say whaaat? Where?!), and said the babe is in the perfect position for delivery. I'm feeling a bit more "ready", since I've completed my water birth and hypnobirthing classes (check and check!) And all sorts of packages have started to arrive! Our last minute purchases - the baby's mattress, the stroller, crib sheets, playard sheets, etc. All of these things are making me feel like we are almost prepared for him to arrive. I know we don't NEED to have his bedroom all perfect and ready, but it will definitely help my state-of-mind.

Movement: Oh Everett. I have just started talking to him when he moves like Jagger. "Okay, little one, stay in there today, we aren't finished with your room yet, and mommy wants to buy you a few more clothes... STAY IN THERE." Things of that nature.

Best Advice of the Week: Comes from my dearie sis-in-law Katie. I mentioned to her that I've been having more contractions (like, in the middle of lunchtime at Zoe's Kitchen) and I reeeeeeeallly don't want this baby to come early. It's had me a bit on edge. She suggested that I start drinking 100 ounces of water every day. Supposed to help cut down the false labor because it hydrates that wonderful muscle, the uterus. And it has helped! That girl. She knows about hydration.

Looking Forward to: Saturday! It's our "finish everything for the baby"-day. Putting together the pack'n'play, unpacking our strollers, rearranging the furniture in the baby room, hanging pictures - everything! I will have more to share next week when his room is aaaaaalll ready!

Feeling Accomplished: Because, 1. I completed my waterbirth class, 2. I completed my Hypnobirthing Class, 3. I'm making progress on my pediatrician hunt, 4. I'm preregistered at the hospital, 5. My breast pump arrived in the mail! Um, learning how to use that strange contraption will be another to-do entirely... 6. Meeting with our fabulous doula this week all about the birthing expectations!

Praise Report! OUR CAMERA HAS BEEN HEALED. Resurrected! Back to life! Bless the Lord. Thank you to all of you who prayed last week! I took my Canon to Best Buy and begged the guy to tell me that the real reason behind the deadness was the battery. Please sir, please... tell me it's just the battery! I had checked the battery and it didn't seem to be the problem, but I had my fingers crossed... Alas, Best Buy had no battery tester, but they sent me to another store (did you know there is such a thing as a Batteries Plus? A store just for batteries!) and they tested it... AND IT WAS DEAD. He put in a new battery and my sweet Canon returned to "ON"... I almost cried. I jumped up and down. The guy was like, "Whooooaaa lady, keep that baby in there." The best news. Now I can photograph my baby. And now the blog photos can return to quality. I'M SO HAPPY.

Thanks for following along our pregnancy journey! Feel free to check check out the 6-month, 7-month, 8-month and 36-Week Bumpdates:)