A Pumpkin Baby Shower.

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Babies bring family and friends together, no matter how far-flung our distant lives and dreams may have scattered us. It's one of my favorite discoveries about pregnancy, babies and motherhood. The camaraderie is so rich, so rooted in vulnerability and free of competition. My cousin Amber is expecting her first baby in early 2017, and all the women in my family were over the moon about celebrating her little man to-be. We had so much fun, throwing her a harvest-themed baby shower at my mom's house a few weekends ago.

My parent's house is on the market these days. Soon I know it will sell and that chapter of their lives will be over. It's extremely bittersweet, being that they are such phenomenal hosts and it really is part of their calling and ministry; the way they love and host people so well. They have always been the house that has all the parties - everything from baby showers and wedding showers to actual weddings and birthday parties and everything in between. This shower felt like a tender ode to their legacy, one final hurrah before moving boxes litter the hallways and the keys get handed over to a new owner.

Celebrating this particular baby-to-be with all the women in my family - sisters, mom, cousins and aunts galore - was truly one of the sweetest memories in my book. These are the women who have fortified me, helped shape my sense of humor and sense of self, and given me a gentle push when I needed it and given me grace when I couldn't possibly accept it. And I know that tradition will live on, no matter whose house we party at. So excited for this little boy to become my own baby-to-be's little buddy. There are lots of trucks and trains in our future!