Favorite Summer Posts!

Pink Hair2.jpg

Hello friends! I hope your Labor Day weekend was waaaaaayy better than mine! No seriously though, if you hang out with me on Instagram, you know that this past weekend just wasn't the cup of tea it should have been for me and my people. It's fine, we're fine. I'm demanding that the Universe give me a do over (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND).

But before I derail my own self here, let me just say that I'm popping in to share this summer's most popular posts! There were so many sweet memories I got to make with my family this summer, and I am so grateful for this space where I get to share a lot of them with you! There are also some fun recipes and DIYs and all that good stuff, so perhaps if you missed something, this will give you a peek at some of this summer's highlights!

Some Family Things.

Some Dress Up Things:

Some Travel Things.

Some DIY Things.

Which of these posts were your favorites? What would you like to see more of in the coming months?

I am so excited for Fall because it's just TIME. I have lots of fun things in store for this blog over the next few months. I never ever run out of ideas for things to share here (I simply run out of time to make it all happen! #momlife) - recipes, travel itineraries, my favorite (and most worn!) fall clothing, all kinds of essential oil DIYs and of course, some more green beauty goodness. Soooo many good things to share. I heart you all and I heart you, Fall.

So long to you Summer. I'll be waiting for you again in March when I'm sick of sweaters, I promise.

P.S. - My pink hair from the top pic was from the beginning of the summer and only lasted a weekend, but it was the BEST weekend! The temporary pink was from the Kristin Ess Rose Gold Temporary Tint and it's not really supposed to work on brunettes but I willed it to work on my bleached ends and perhaps left it in a whole lot longer than I was supposed to, so it worked out. Now I'm thinking of going back to super dark hair but we shall see... gosh, Fall makes me want to turn everything burgundy!!