To-Go Breakfast Egg Bites (Whole30 approved!)

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This is the 3rd time that I've done Whole30 and I learn more with each round. This particular recipe is a great one to have on hand for those busy weekday mornings when you need to grab something to-go quickly. I like to make a batch of these on Sunday afternoon and then have them for the weekday mornings. These are especially helpful for Stevie, because he is either commuting to Atlanta to work or to the airport to travel - it's really hard to do Whole30 when your work schedule is crazy! But having things like that all ready to go can really save breakfast/rush hour.

- 10-12 eggs
- 1.5 cups chopped vegetables
- 1 cup cooked hash browns
- 1/2 cup protein of your choice (bacon or chicken sausage are my preferences)
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1/4 tsp. pepper

1. Heat oven to 350.
2. Dice and saute the vegetables until soft, then set aside.
3. Cook and dice protein of your choice. If I'm using bacon, I just kind of tear it apart, but if I'm using chicken sausage I chop it up into half-moons. Set aside.
4. Cook the hash browns according the the package.
5. Whisk together the eggs with the salt and pepper. I say 10-12 because it depends on how big your eggs are.
6. Spray a a 12-cup muffin tin with oil.
7. Layer in each muffin tin: 1 large spoonful of hash browns, 1 large spoonful of vegetables, 1 small spoonful of protein and then top off each muffin cup with the whisked eggs until it's just under the fill line.
8. Place in the oven and bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes. You will know they are finished once the tops are slightly browned.
9. You can keep in the refrigerator and reheat in the mornings in the microwave or toaster oven - these are a great way to start the day, especially on the go!

- My favorite vegetables/protein combos are: 1. spinach, onions and bacon or 2. peppers, onions and chicken sausage.
- If you don't have hash browns, you can also shred potatoes and use that in place (a great tip from my friend Savannah :)
- If you want to make these non-Whole30 style, they are even more fabulous with less eggs and some half and half. You could use about 8 eggs, 3/4 cup half and half, and of course, top each muffin cup with shredded cheese. Let's be honest, they taste better this way.

P.S. - Looking for more to-go breakfast options? Check out my freezer-friendly Breakfast Burritos :)
P.P.S. - More Whole30 recipes here!

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Your Favorite Posts from 2017.


Your Favorite Blog Posts

of 2017!

It's really fun looking back on the content here on this blog from the past year. I don't spend too much time looking at my blog analytics, mostly because it makes me do crazy thing like compare myself to others and quantify things and then my head hurts because HELLO, I was never meant for math. So I do check in on them, but I make a point not to harp on the analytics for this site. I take cues from reader comments and feedback - it helps me as I assess what kind of content to share here. However, the analytics also tell me which posts are the most popular and which ones you continue to re-visit. So here you go! Your favorites from 2017!

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Pork Chops & Spiced Apple Sauce

(A Whole30 Meal!)

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Postpartum Must Haves

For a c-section recovery

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High Tea

At the Atlanta St. Regis

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My Whole30

Quick Reference Meal Guide


Green Beauty Trials:


I'm surprised at how many of the recipes that you guys liked this year! I almost phased out recipes from this blog a few years ago because those traffic levels were the lowest. So either you guys are eating more or I'm cooking better - maybe both?! No seriously though - I think you guys really like Whole30 recipes so I'll make sure to continue to include the ones I really vet and love.

My personal favorite posts this year were... all of them! No seriously, its hard to pick favorites. I really loved sharing about the Little Barn Apothecary products, because they are like the best thing I've ever put on my skin. And I was nervous to share about my struggle with postpartum anxiety, but I'm so glad I did, because so many of you responded by sharing your similar experiences. The Milk Friendly series was really fun to put together and I am loving the Green Beauty Trials, which will continue in 2018.

Let me know in the comments if there is certain content you want to see more of in 2018! Love you friends! xx

Favorites from 2017.

I didn't think it would be proper to dive into new content without taking a good look at what 2017 really was. 2017 was the most emotionally stretching year of my life! I can't believe it's already over, because it flewwwwww by. Like, hi and bye, 2017. I think having two little ones rocking my world has caused the social media mama prophesy to be fulfilled - "the days are long but the years are short." That phrase perfectly encapsulates how I feel about 2017. Perfectly.

I'm taking this week to share some of my reflections here on the blog. Want to take a walk down memory lane with me?


My Favorite Moments!

1. Bringing Daxton home from the hospital.
I know that this technically happened at the end of December 2016, but whew, the Christmas holiday was marked by c-section recovery and caring for a newborn, so it definitely melted into January (and February and March and April...) It was intense, but he was so, so worth every hard moment. I will never forget looking over my hospital bed and staring into his little lucite baby bed, sleeping so serenely. So big and so serene, my little sweetheart. I still get choked up when I think back to those first few weeks.

2. 10-year Anniversary with Stevie!
Stevie and I celebrated our 10-year wedding anniversary on June 23! We had THE BEST TIME ever at Bacchinalea, this ridiculous restaurant in Atlanta that I have always wanted to try. It is a total tasting experience, and for someone who cooks a lot, I felt like I had such a deep appreciation for how special this meal was. I could never cook up something that fancy! It was kind of an epic experience, and he gave me a beautiful piece of jewelry and I just felt like such a grown up woman. 10 years with this man! TEN YEARS. I love him more than ever. Marriage is the craziest experience. No wait, having kids is. Okay, THEY BOTH ARE.

3. Disney World!
I can't say enough great and grand things about this trip - I just wanna re-live it over and over again! We sooooo got bit by the Disney bug!
See more from our Disney trip here and here.

4. My 30th Birthday!
I lovvvvved getting to celebrate my 30th with my favorite girls! I felt really loved that they all took the time out of their busy lives to spend 24 hours with me - it's a big deal in this stage of life! And I always loved getting away to Serenbe because it's just mega lovely and inspiring and I always come away from the place feeling refreshed.

5. Tea time with my Mom & Sis!
I have a weird obsession with high tea. Please let me try all the high teas everywhere! Tea time at the St. Regis Atlanta with my mom and sis is something I will always treasure. I just love the whole experience and I wish it was "a thing" to do tea on the regular. Those Brits. They really know how to party. TEA PARTY.
See more from our tea party here.



Least Favorite Moments
(to keep things real)

My Least Favorite Moments of 2017:
1. Recovering from the c-section.
It took longer than I could have ever imagined. It took longer than anyone I've ever heard of. The pain was with me throughout almost the entire year. And still, if my kids jump on me while we play on my bed and accidentally land on my stomach, my gut wrenches in pain. I've seen my doctor about it and it is healing, but the whole c-section healing experiences was incredibly sluggish and unexpectedly AWFUL. I have a new appreciation for medical doctors and what they do - I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that c-section. So as awful as it was, I am here and my baby boy is here! Bless God.
More about recovery here and here and here.

2. My experience with postpartum anxiety.
I've talked about it here, and I won't harp on it too much now. But it's a black hole and it requires lots of communication and tools to overcome it. I'm grateful for the people in my life who continue to check in with me to support me - it's been a long road! But life is too short to live with anxiety - if you battle with it, let this be the year that you seek help! Sidenote - getting help for this was probably my best decision of 2017, truly.
More about postpartum anxiety here.

3. Getting Slapped in the Face by my Son.
It was either get bangs or a tattoo, because I needed something to look different. So I got bangs! And when I went to pick Everett up from school, he FREAKED. He slapped my head and said, "Get them off, get them off!" Then he melted on the floor into a panic and silenced the entire school with his precious self. I have to say, one of my least favorite moments of the year. P.S. He likes them now. He even told me he wants to get bangs :)



Favorite Travels!

Favorite Travel of 2017:
1. Disney World!!!
We had such a complete blast at Disney and I never ever want to forget the look on my kids' faces as they met characters and experienced the magic. And the meal plan - no cooking for a week! SIGN ME UP AGAIN.
More about this trip here! (Don't forget to scroll and see Dax's face when we meet characters - priceless.)

2. New York City at Christmas!
It was kind of stupidly cold, but it was absolute magic from start to finish. I got to see so many dear friends, I got to take my boys on amazing adventures all over my favorite city, and I got to feel what it would be like to have kids in that city. I've wondered ever since we moved away. Plus, we didn't lose a week of Daddy time just before Christmas, since Stevie needed to be up there for work. This trip was an unexpected and gleeful surprise! Plus, I SAW THE FONZ.
More about this trip here!

3. Beach trip with friends!
We had our first beach getaway with our buds Elliot & Lena and Elizabeth & Garrett this year. It might seem weird that we've never really done a friend vacation, but we realized we usually travel alone or with our extended family! We haven't done a lot of friend travel so our time in Perdito Key with our friends and their kiddos was so much fun and weirdly NOT stressful at all.
More from this trip.

4. Visiting my BFF in Mobile!
After spending a year talking about it, we finally made our way out to Mobile, Alabama to see my girl Natalie and her husband in their element. They run a Chick-fil-A business there, and it was so much fun seeing their life and getting time with her on her turf. I miss my friendships so much, because it seems be the thing that I have the least time for, day-to-day in this season of life. Do any of you mamas feel that way? But when I get friend time, I savor it so!!
More from our time in Mobile.

4. Family Vaycays.
We did our annual trek down to the beach in Florida with Stevie's family, and it was just so low-key and wonderful. I love this trip every year and really look forward to it as a time to rest together as a family. We also did an adults-only trip to Asheville in the fall - and I CANNOT WAIT to go back. The Biltmore is mesmerizing. And just last week we spent time with my side of the family in the Blue Ridge mountains! I am so grateful for that time, because it's not often that I get to see my two sister at the same time! So so special. It makes me want to plan more intentional sister trips in 2018!
More from our Beach trip here.


2017 Goals Accomplished.

Because it's good to celebrate, even the small things.

Personal Goals Met.
1. Date Nights!
Stevie and I have tried to be better about going on regular dates this year, and there are a lot of them that I remember and cherish. Once we went out to dinner in our sweats, and I loved how we were so under-dressed compared to everyone else in the restaurant. We didn't care, we were child-free and comfy and it was awesome! And another time, about 2 months after Daxton was born, we went out and it was pouring rain, so we stayed in the restaurant for like 4 hours! We did dinner and dessert and 2 cups of coffee and kept talking until the rain lightened up - I will always remember that one, too. And of course, our coin jar date night! We laughed so hard that night. This is something I want to continue in the new year - having regular date nights, even if we just stay home in our jammies!

2. Getting help for anxiety.
Like I mentioned above, I struggled hard during the first half of the year with postpartum anxiety. It manifested in lots of ways and I was having trouble coping with simple, simple tasks. I am so glad that I got help early on  - it was super humbling having to get on medication, getting babysitters so I could go to counseling sessions, asking my mom to come over for extended amounts of time while Stevie was on the road for work, etc.  It was hard to admit that I had needs that I couldn't get met on my own. But looking back, that challenge is also my biggest victory of 2017. It took time to overcome that one, and I still have moments that tempt me to go back down that road of stress and worry, but I've learned over the course of this year what my triggers are and I am empowered with more tools to help quench a panic attach before it fully develops. It's been a mega victory and I am so grateful to feel better!
More about getting help with anxiety here.

3. Keeping my kids alive.
I'm just being real - this counts as an accomplishment right?? It was an intense year, learning how to care for my two boys simultaneously was like WHOA. And I was stressed! But they are alive and happy most of the time, so I count that as a win.

4. Investing in myself.
It was hard to keep a routine this year. It just was. But I did carve out time to get myself to the gym or Pure Barre about twice a week, which was a HUGE accomplishment for me. I also continued to create content here on the blog, which I love so much, and I continued getting educated on essential oils, which was something I was drawn more and more to as I learned about how to overcome anxiety. These things, exercise and creativity, are two major outlets for me, and I am so grateful that Stevie is all for me doing them. He's honestly my biggest fan and I wouldn't have been able to keep up this blog this year without his help - his taking the kids, his helping me time manage, his encouragement to get a babysitter so I could go to the gym while he worked. Truly, without his support, I would be a shell of a woman!

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Work Goals Accomplished!

Work Goals Met.
1. Keeping this blog going!
It's hard to understand the behind-the-scenes of what it takes to keep this blog going, but it's a goooood bit of work. Writing, editing, photographing, editing some more, pitching, accounting, advertising - it's a lot! I love it, and I will continue to blog as long as it makes sense for me and my family. It's been an amazing outlet for me creatively, but it's also allowed me to connect with brands that I love and share about them with you, people that I love! And like I mentioned, if it wasn't for the support of my family (thanks Stevie & Mom!), I don't think I would have been able to keep my head above water this year, let alone keep investing time here. I'm so grateful that this space is still such a special outlet!

2. Blog & Instagram Collaborations!
I love the opportunity this blog allows me, to work with brands whose products I love and use anyway. And it's allowed me to get introduced to new brands and find new things I love, so it's always a creative and discovery process for me. This year I had some interesting learning curves in terms of working with brands (like, the good, the bad and the ugly), but it's also probably the most fun I've ever had in terms of collaborations, including working with companies like Banana Republic (multiple times! Such a dream come true!), Ergobaby (another dream come true!), Earth Mama Organics, Workman Publishing, OXO, Pinkblush, Little Barn Apothecary, Mama & Little, Lucky Palmtree and more! And others on Instagram, like Halo Top, Dietz & Watson & Kroger. It's been so much fun! I can't wait for what this year has in store :)

3. Writing for 5 Minutes for Mom.
I love this blog for so many reasons, and one of them is the opportunity it gives me to write for others! I have loved connecting with Susan over at 5 Minutes for Mom and writing posts for their site! Those ladies are the sweetest and have given me the chance to write about some really amazing products. If you're interested in checking some out, just type "Kristen Hale" in the search bar.
Visit 5 Minutes for Mom.

4. Launching My doTERRA Business!
This amazing company made such an impact on my life in 2017. If you would have told me a year ago that I would eventually join doTERRA and sell the products, I would have laughed so hard at you. And told you I didn't have the time for that. Life is funny that way. You guys, I AM LOVING IT. I am still figuring out how to manage my time - doing mom life, maintaining and growing this blog and doing doTERRA, but I am feeling more fulfilled than I have in years so I'm going to keep honing in on how to do all these things well. These oils are so precious and I just want to get them in as many people's hands as possible so they can see the difference it can make in their own life. So yeah, you could say I'm pretty amped. SO AMPED. Let me know if you want more information about doTERRA, I'd love to share more with you!
P.S. - Shameless plug - My personal doTERRA site here.

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And there you have it, friends! A recap of 2017, some of the best (and some of the worst :) Thanks for hanging out with me here in this little corner of the internet world - it means more than you will ever know! Tomorrow's post is on your favorite blog posts of 2017 (and mine!)

xx Kristen

Discovering New York City at Christmastime with our Boys!


I wanted to post this before it became absolutely irrelevant (you could argue that it's irrelevant now), but I wanted to share my NYC pictures from our family Christmas trip! So many of the things that we did are still on display until mid-January, so if you get the chance to visit NYC between now and then, DO IT! Our 8-day trip was 3 weeks ago, and since then a LOT has happened. I don't know how, but the holidays seem to absolutely devour the time. I am always astounded at how fast these few precious weeks pass by in December, but goodness gracious, they do. However, this trip was honestly magical. Maybe I just have rose-colored glasses when it comes to my favorite city (Stevie says I do), but being able to share my favorite place with my favorite people at the best time of year was just the most ecstatic thing for me.

Stevie's been working incessantly the past few months, and he's been in NYC almost every week. When he mentioned that he was going to work in NYC right before Christmas, my heart almost burst. Forget that, I decided to load up my billions of pounds of baby gear and take the boys up there with him! I made an insanely long list of Christmas-y things to do with the boys everyday, and I'm happy to say that we did most of those things! I wanted to share them in case you want to save this post for when you either visit with your kids, visit during the winter, or visit at Christmastime!


1. Grand Central Station Holiday Train Show!
My pictures of this one are terrible because it was crazy crowded and there was bad lighting. But the Holiday Train Show at Grand Central Station was AMAZING, especially for little boys who adore trains. Basically they built a train track that goes through a miniature NYC and the train choo choos through the set up and it's just really really cool. Go to there.

Okay, this isn't Christmas-specific, but I've got to talk a little bit about the pizza at Juliana's. I've  talked about this famous pizza joint many times before (here and here and a little bit here), but I can't get over how amazing it is. Eve…

Okay, this isn't Christmas-specific, but I've got to talk a little bit about the pizza at Juliana's. I've  talked about this famous pizza joint many times before (here and here and a little bit here), but I can't get over how amazing it is. Even Daxton knew that what he was eating was extra special. And Juliana's shared this photo on Instagram, which just made the proudest parent.


2. Christmas Tree Crawl.
Every big building, store and apartment complex goes all out and decorates an enormous Christmas tree in the lobby. It's so fun to walk through the different buildings and get inspiration for your own Christmas tree. Or just gawk. They're beautiful. My absolute favorite this season was at The American Museum of Natural History - it was a tree entirely made of origami animals!


3. The Tree at Rockefeller Center.
The tree at the Rockefeller Center is an American icon, which is why it gets its own bullet point here. It's insanely busy and crowded and I'll admit that I was kind of on a vigilant mom watch for terrorists while we visited this tree, but it is so beautiful. I'm so impressed with how many lights they manage to get all the way to the top. (Is it just me, or do the lights on your own Christmas tree seem to taper off up at the top?) Also, if you have older kids, you can take them down to the plaza below and go ice skating! I've never done it because this area makes me kind of claustrophobic, but if crowds this dense don't make your neck hot, you should totally give it a try!


4. See the Christmas Displays on 5th Avenue.
The window displays in the big department stores along 5th Avenue are always spectacular. This year, Saks 5th Avenue did a series display showcasing elaborate scenes from the movie Snow White! It was completely gorgeous and so creative. But all the big stores do extra special displays - Bergdorf Goodman and Tiffany & Co. were also some of my favorites this year :)


5. Visit Santa everywhere!
I made free appointment to meet Santa downtown at Macy's in their Santaland! It was a great experience and the boys' pictures are hilarious. Although, they were supposed to email me some digital copies and I have yet to receive them soooo.... I need to follow up! But Santa is ubiquitous across the city and there is an opportunity in every major section of the city. We also met the Santa at the Plaza (informally - we were just there to grab pizza in the basement) and he was super charming. However I've heard the best Santa is at ABC Carpet downtown. So I still have something for next year's bucket list!

I have a similar picture like this with Everett when he was a baby. And he was in my bathrobe with his little head peeking out just like this one!

I have a similar picture like this with Everett when he was a baby. And he was in my bathrobe with his little head peeking out just like this one!

The origami Christmas tree I was talking about! It's so impressive.

The origami Christmas tree I was talking about! It's so impressive.

The boys stayed so warm in their JJ Cole Bundleme stroller blankets. I seriously wanted to climb in with them, they were so sunggly even when the weather was scary.

The boys stayed so warm in their JJ Cole Bundleme stroller blankets. I seriously wanted to climb in with them, they were so sunggly even when the weather was scary.

6. Central Park in the SNOW!
This parkkkkkkk. You guys it's perfect in every season of the year - it's absolutely magic. MAGIC! Even in the freezing temperatures, this park is glorious, and when it's snow-covered, it makes me cry. It's so beautiful and dreamy to waltz, I mean walk through.

I had to throw this photo in the mix because we did a lot of Seamless meal delivery to our hotel room and this little guy ate in this foldable travel high chair like a champ! I was so proud of how easily my little men adapted on this trip ;)

I had to throw this photo in the mix because we did a lot of Seamless meal delivery to our hotel room and this little guy ate in this foldable travel high chair like a champ! I was so proud of how easily my little men adapted on this trip ;)

We spent a lot of time at the park. He's a man after my own park heart.

We spent a lot of time at the park. He's a man after my own park heart.

These two. Couldn't love them any more. Anthony and Jess, I miss living on the same block as you guys!!! And sitting on the floor of your living room week in and week out, eating your snacks and talking about Jesus. And getting escorted around the c…

These two. Couldn't love them any more. Anthony and Jess, I miss living on the same block as you guys!!! And sitting on the floor of your living room week in and week out, eating your snacks and talking about Jesus. And getting escorted around the city by you, receiving an education in NYC foodie culture. You're just the very best.

We ate at Old Rose, located in the Jane Hotel downtown. Made us feel like trendy folk, for the bit of time we were there and child-free.

We ate at Old Rose, located in the Jane Hotel downtown. Made us feel like trendy folk, for the bit of time we were there and child-free.

Note The Plaza Hotel in the background (the white building with the green roof) - it's such a beauty!

Note The Plaza Hotel in the background (the white building with the green roof) - it's such a beauty!


7. Visit the Holiday Markets!
There are these splendid holiday markets that set up all over the city around Christmastime. The big ones are at Columbus Circle and Bryant Park and they have hundreds of vendors selling everything you've ever heard of (plus a lot of things you've never heard of). It's the perfect place to shop for gifts that no one else will have!

We stopped by the Columbus Circle market a lot because it's at the corner of the park. Plus there was a spot where I could charge my phone and eat lots of snacks. This was the day when we discovered the Nutella churros - EPIC.

We stopped by the Columbus Circle market a lot because it's at the corner of the park. Plus there was a spot where I could charge my phone and eat lots of snacks. This was the day when we discovered the Nutella churros - EPIC.

Can't tell you how many people asked if they were twins.

Can't tell you how many people asked if they were twins.

Our old block!! I miss the Upper West Side. So much.

Our old block!! I miss the Upper West Side. So much.


9. See a Christmas show at The Swedish Marionette Theater!
I walked the boys up through the park one day and we saw the Christmas puppet show at the Marionette Theater. It was the sweetest, most fun thing and I will always treasure that memory with my two sweethearts. Truly. If you have littles, make sure to check the schedule and catch a show! It's so special!

Things that are still on my NYC Christmas Bucket List:
- See the Rockettes Radio City Spectacular! I saw so many people in line for the show while we were in town because Radio City was right around the corner from our hotel, so I was having major jealousy. But I don't think my two wiggle worms would have been able to sit through that show. Next time!
- Ice Skate! There are so many outdoor rinks that look magical! Bryant Park, Rockefeller Center, and Central Park have ice skating and I would love to do this sometime in the future!
- Seeing The Nutcracker performed by The American Ballet Company at The Lincoln Center. It's my dream dream dream to see this show - I wish Stevie would just get on board! He's not a fan of ballet.
- Seeing Peter and the Wolf at the Guggenheim Museum - it's supposed to be an awesome show for kids but still a bit too mature for my boys' ages. But just gives me another reason to bring them back!

There you have it! Let me know if you have bucket list must-haves that I should add to this list! Christmas in NYC is so remarkable and MUST be experienced., if you like city sparkle. I hope this is helpful! xx

Merry Merry Merry Christmas!

^ best attempt at a family of 4 smiling. 3/4 is as good as it got this year!!

^ best attempt at a family of 4 smiling. 3/4 is as good as it got this year!!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!!!

I hope your day is full of fun and SURPRISES and celebration and laughter and good food and pjs all day and maybe a mimosa and a nap and a fire in the fireplace... basically all the good things, because it's CHRISTMAS.

*Cue the cinnamon rolls (this year, courtesy of Liz McAfee) and hotttttttt coffee :)

I love Christmas so much, because it's now my responsibility (and honor and pleasure and all that good stuff), to create a positive, exciting glorious association to this holiday for my own family. My little boys will have their mindset shaped about Christmas based on what me and Stevie do (and don't do, too!) and I love that we get to author such a special chapter in our children's stories and memories. As a parent, being able to give Christmas to my kids is absolutely, incredibly AMAZING and I am seriously so thankful for the gift it is, just to have my own little family here to celebrate with. I don't take it for granted, it's such a treasure.

On days like today, when I am overjoyed and basking in the wonder and love, I can't help but have my thoughts trail to those who might not be experiencing the same overwhelm of joy that I am. Those who are struggling with their family relationships, or trying to create their own families. Those who are ill or taking care of someone dear to them as they walk through an illness. Those who aren't able to give their kids a Christmas or those who can't be home with their kids for Christmas.

In moments when I am struck with a sinking feeling of sadness for others' situations, I say prayers, whether I have a connection to someone walking through one of those particular circumstance of not. I ask God to keep my eyes open to how I can help and give and extend his gifts to others. We are SO BLESSED to live in this wonderful nation, to be able to give our families gifts, to be able to celebrate JESUS without hiding out in a basement somewhere to do so. Thanksgiving ushers in the season of gratitude and it just continues journeying in my heart in such a way that by the time Christmas rolls around, I am honestly about to explode into cheesy songs of gratefulness at the drop of a hat. In fact, I've been weepy all week about what a joy it is to be a mom at Christmas. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Okay, I'm literally tearing up again just typing this. It might actually be hormones now that I think about it.

CHRISTMAS. JESUS. MY BABIES. ahhh nothing makes me happier.

I hope you are having the best day, that wonder mines a little deeper into your heart on this special day, and that miracles happen before your eyes. I pray that you get a phone call from a family member you didn't expect to hear from. I pray that your car starts when you didn't think it would. I pray that you are reconnected to feelings of love and trust in relationships that you thought were dwindling and on their way out the door.

Christmas isn't just magical, it's miraculous.

Make room in your heart for miracles today, friends! My love to you all. Merry, merry merry Christmas! xx

Photos by Leidy Beltran.